Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Philadelphia's Soda Tax Is Reducing Consumption—and Maybe Jobs

    Soda taxes are are showing unexpected financial reprecussions, resulting in greater harm to the soda businesses than anticipated leading to massive workforce reductions. A proposed solution is to tax sodas based on how much sugar is in then, rather than a blanket tax.

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  • The Voter Lottery

    Voter turnout is a problem around the world, especially in local elections and among minority groups. But a small group of academics and activists in the US are experimenting with a new way to encourage people to turn up to vote: a lottery. Every voter is entered and one lucky winner gets a big cash prize, eliminating the risk of bribery and bought votes.

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  • New York City Embraces a Gun Violence Outreach Program Left on Life Support in Chicago

    In its four years of community outreach, Cure Violence’s New York City chapter has been accepted and welcomed by both neighborhoods and police. The program now works in 17 police precincts, providing direct violence intervention, legal and mental health resources, and improving police/community relations.

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  • School funding reform: Ideas and challenges aplenty

    Schools in Connecticut are facing serious challenges with allocation of finances and resources that have dramatically affected their ability to provide programs such as after school curriculum to students, disproportionately in poor neighborhoods. There are several potential solutions, including more just distribution of funding and increased transparency in the system.

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  • On Patrol With Chicago's Last Violence Interrupters

    Chicago’s Cure Violence program, which has been around for close to 20 years, has closed all but one of its sites. The program employs Violence Interrupters, who work in neighborhoods to help stop violent conflict. As hopeful and successful as its creation was, it has run into cooperative issues with Chicago police and has seen a drastic cut in funding in the last five years.

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  • Australia: Has it Cracked the Solution to Curb Smoking?

    Tough laws, taxes, and a public information campaign helped cut Australia’s adult smoking rate in half. The country leads the world in these efforts, including being the first to require plain tobacco packaging in 2012. However, some smokers protest, saying that the government is interfering with their individual rights.

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  • As Its Neediest Schools Struggle, What Can PA Learn From Ontario's Success?

    Part 5 of the "Equity or Bust: Are Ontario's Public Schools a Model for Pennsylvania" Series: Ontario is widely lauded for its education system, thanks to more rigorous teacher preparation, universal pre-K, and a deeply rooted commitment to prioritizing the neediest students. Meanwhile, districts like that of Kenderton, Pennsylvania are floundering in a broken system that leaves many kids - especially minorities - behind. What can they learn from Ontario's model?

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  • Free community college finds bipartisan support

    Despite a few remaining flaws to overcome, models for free community college in Chicago and Tennessee are serving as beacons for the rest of the nation in a time when many are calling for higher education to be more accessible to better bolster the American workforce. What can Pennsylvania draw from their successes?

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  • Can the private sector solve Metro Detroit's infrastructure woes?

    Michigan's roads have been in disrepair for years. Now with increased private sector funding and partnerships between companies and the government, the state could start to see improvements in its infrastructure.

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  • Free Cash in Finland. Must be Jobless.

    Monthly unemployment checks are dissuading individuals from finding work for fear that their work will pay less. Oulu, Finland is testing out 'basic income' where everyone receives a government cheque, to encourage people to work without fear of losing their monthly assistance.

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