Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • November in Germany

    Germany admitted around 1 million refugees in 2015. Different parts of the country have experienced success and failure. In Fischen, housing refugees is still a challenge, but business mentors have found a success in training refugees how to do jobs. The city of Stuttgart ran into a crisis housing refugees. However 3,000 volunteers are helping to control the situation. In the east, Halle housed refugees in the center part of its city, inside a “deluxe hotel.” The refugees are susceptible to hateful rhetoric, but there are demonstrators on both sides of the debate.

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  • Listopad v Německu

    Do Německa přicházejí každým dnem tisíce uprchlíků. Jen v roce 2015 jich země přijala zhruba milion. Tato situace přináší do různých oblastí Německa nové výzvy, kterým musí místní čelit. Ve městě Stuttgard zase s integrací uprchlíků, kteří nemají kde bydlet, pomáhají 3 tisíce dobrovolníků. Východoněmecké město Halle krizi s ubytováním imigrantů vyřešilo tak, že jim vyhradilo celý hotel v centru města. To vadí části místních, podle kterých jde o „příliš luxusní“ bydlení. Panuje zde často vyhrocená debata.

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  • We Don't Need to Wait on Congress to Fight Homelessness

    Far too many Americans are homeless, and with congress dragging their feet in implementing funds, it is up to individual places to set up programs to help provide housing. Counties in New Jersey have enacted legislation to fund housing and other services, but in other areas the fight is still on to pass legislation.

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  • The Future of Housing Is Now. What Sustainable Homes Look Like

    Passive houses can generate more energy than they consume but are expensive to build. Non-profits across the nation are getting low income families into these types of renewable homes with state subsidies and volunteer work.

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  • Colorado's affordable artist housing efforts catching on quickly

    Artists need cheap living costs, but their presence improves a community and the property values. The State of Colorado and private developers are creating affordable housing and work spaces for artists in neighborhoods they want to thrive.

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  • The Best Way to End Homelessness

    America has the largest number of homeless women and children in the industrialized world - it’s a depressing statistic exacerbated by a housing crisis that forced thousands of families out onto the street. The first-ever large-scale study on the topic finds that permanent, stable housing can be more cost-effective than shelters.

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  • How Chicago Is Trying to Integrate Its Suburbs

    Many wealthy, white communities in the Chicago suburbs would not welcome an affordable housing development - perhaps residents wouldn’t say so outright, but instead they might pass laws prohibiting apartment buildings or deny permits to units targeted at low-income people. But now, through the Regional Housing Initiative, the housing authorities pool a portion of their Section 8-voucher funds and use that money to subsidize the construction of affordable developments in areas with a low poverty rate, a high homeownership rate, good schools, and access to jobs.

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  • Dutch nursing home offers rent-free housing to students

    A Dutch nursing home brings together students and seniors with an innovative housing plan: offering rent-free apartments to students. In exchange, the students must partake in nursing home events for at least 30 hours per month as an effort to help bridge the generational gap and give senior residents a larger community.

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  • Inside the Revival of One of the Nation's Most Notorious Housing Projects

    SHIELDS for Families works in one of the country's most notoriously dilapidated housing projects to revitalize the neighborhood by providing education, treatment and counseling services.

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  • New Orleans ends veteran homelessness

    New Orleans implemented an extraordinary 10-year plan that engaged unprecedented cross-sector collaboration between government, non-profit, and private entities to provide housing and housing services to the city's homeless veterans. The city's success in providing homes for every single veteran formerly on their streets motivated cities across the nation to tackle the crises using similar means, leading to a 1/3 decline veteran homelessness since 2010.

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