Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The City That Unpoisoned Its Pipes

    The water crisis in Flint, Michigan, has left the city in dire straits without funds or political will to replace its lead pipes. Less than fifty-miles away, the city of Lansing has managed to replace almost all of its pipes, even during the Great Recession. Between Flint and Lansing, divergent approaches to management of utilities, funds, and citizen health provide extraordinary lessons about what worked and what caused the failures.

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  • Denmark May Hold the Key to Integrating Large Amounts of Intermittent Renewables

    Denmark has consistently maintained a commitment to energy independence since the 1970s when their first policies were put in place. Through collaborations among government actors, grid operators, and utilities, it has built one of the most reliable sustainable energy grids, most notably with 40% of its electricity powered by wind.

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  • How Congress made micro-hydro easier for mountain towns

    Micro-hydro projects in the United States have become much more accessible and more financially viable since Congress passed a law in 2013 making it easier for small hydroelectric projects to get federal approval. Specifically, water treatment plants that can retrofit their systems to generate electricity are an excellent energy opportunity. The plant in Grand Lake now produces more electricity than it consumes.

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  • How a new source of water is helping reduce conflict in the Middle East

    Israel experienced extreme drought a few years ago and its water supply was very low. National campaigns to install desalination plants have helped Israel turnaround its inadequate water supply into a surplus. The water scientists who have helped make this surplus see an opportunity for water diplomacy and the de-politicization of water in the Middle East so that more of it can be shared with other geographies.

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  • Germany sets a new solar storage record

    Solar power is an important renewable energy in Germany, but when the sun is out, it can overpower the grid. Likewise, when the sun is not out, the reception of solar power decreases. Germany has piloted battery installations that store solar energy for use when the sunlight is not plentiful and has successfully incentivized citizens to use them to lower costs.

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  • Large-Scale Rainwater Harvesting Eases Scarcity in Kenya

    Harvesting rainwater is a necessary practice throughout Kenya, but is especially important in the areas of the country that are arid or semiarid. The African Water Bank has made this process more accessibly to many in these areas by creating a less expensive and more efficient water conservation system.

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  • L.A. Offers Free Recycled Water to Residents

    California has long struggled with creative solutions to its lack of abundant water. Los Angeles offers its residents free recycled water as a solution to drought and water shortage issues.

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  • Providing a jolt of support to power the minigrid market

    Minigrids, renewable energy-based electricity generators that serve a set of consumers, are a part of India's plan to provide universal energy access to all - their government, as well as that of the United States, is providing the funds to make it happen.

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  • Detroit Is Turning Vacant Lots Into Sponges for Stormwater

    When it comes to green infrastructure, Detroit's got plenty of parcels to work with. A look at their new plans to turn unused land into stormwater sponges.

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  • The Surprising Success of Micro Hydro

    The Hydropower Empowerment Network takes a country-by-country approach to helping establish micro hydro and other technologies in rural places where electricity is difficult to come by. Micro hydro has even proven to be more durable and sustainable than solar, though solar is cheaper and quicker to install - the reason is the depth of community involvement required. When villagers participate on longer-term, complex projects, they develop pride in their work, learn invaluable new skills, and are empowered to engage with the solution.

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