Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Safe, happy and free: does Finland have all the answers?

    In the past 150 years, Finland has gone from famine-ridden to renowned as one of the world’s strongest democracies with leading global rankings in health, education, and innovation. Culture is key to this transformation. Finns are both self-reliant and highly cooperative with a long history of putting independence, freedom, and opportunity for all people front and center in policymaking.

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  • Here's one idea to make ‘Storrowing' a thing of the past

    A persistent problem in Massachusetts of trucks going through tunnels or underpasses that are too low for safe clearance has prompted officials to look to Sydney, Australia for a possible solution. Officials in that city worked with a private company to develop a system where if a truck is too tall, it triggers a warning so officials can activate a sheet of water at the tunnel entrance upon which is projected the holographic image of a giant red Stop sign. It's proven successful in stopping drivers before they enter the tunnel.

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  • Gwadar's Growing Water War

    When Gwadar’s dams ran dry in May 2017, the government began trucking in water. But the solution is costly, the water isn’t clean, and the trucking companies protested in November, claiming they weren’t paid on time. Desalination is an alternative, but it’s expensive too and fatal design flaws have crippled prior attempts at desalination in the province.

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  • How Medellín went from murder capital to hipster holiday destination

    Medellín is a hub of growth and innovation, re-born after years of devastating violence. Building a metro system was an early step in the city’s transformation. “It was the first positive thing that had happened in this city for decades,” says Julian, a local guide. “With this metro, we suddenly realized things could be different, that progress and change were possible.”

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  • Can putting the least-experienced teachers in the highest-risk schools ever result in success?

    High rates of teacher turnover plaguing McDowell County were the reason behind a new initiative, Reconnecting McDowell, to reverse the trend. The district began creating a number of incentives to attract teachers, such as student loan support, higher salaries, and providing mentors for younger teachers. Two other efforts—to improve roads and build an apartment complex for younger residents—were stalled due to funding cuts. This article was written on the sixth anniversary of Reconnecting McDowell, and while there have been many challenges, change is slowly coming and people are still optimistic.

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  • In Harvey's wake, Dutch have much to teach Houston

    Moving away from brute force and impermeable dams, projects that focus on spatial planning and long-term investment in dynamic infrastructure projects prove more resilient to flooding and natural disasters. In the Netherlands, the Room for the River project is one part of the country’s comprehensive approach toward protecting its citizens from the threat of floods. Instead of relying on private flood insurance, citizens in the Netherland’s pay higher taxes, which help to fund water management projects.

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  • Newark DIG: Doing Infrastructure Green

    Due in part to an outdated infrastructure, Newark's storm sewers get overwhelmed with litter, oil and other materials that end up impacting the cleanliness of the community's drinking water. To combat this issue, a group of passionate community members formed Doing Infrastructure Green (DIG) to help bring education to residents about sustainable solutions around the water supply.

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  • Officials patched and prayed while pressure built on Houston's dams

    Following Hurricane Harvey, Houston officials are taking steps to better prepare the city for flooding. Two damns, Addicks and Barker, have long been in need of repairs to increase their capacity and resilience, and after decades of putting it off – and thousands of homes flooded – the city is hoping to invest in one of the large-scale remedies that have been recommended in the past.

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  • Harvey overwhelmed some levee systems. Future storms could do worse.

    The aftermath of Hurricane Harvey left many Houston residents questioning the efficacy of one of the city’s only protections, the Levee Improvement Districts (LID), responsible for providing flood protection. In neighborhoods prone to flooding, there has been much debate about the actual protection the current levees provide, leading many to call for solutions like the expansion of the LIDs through elections (rather than appointees) or raising the levees.

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  • Can red-light cameras help curb Milwaukee's reckless drivers?

    A columnist looks at the proposal to bring red light cameras to Milwaukee after a string of horrific car accidents where a driver blew through traffic lights. The piece covers a good deal of data on the efficacy of red light cameras in Chicago and elsewhere, pointing out the positive results of fewer crashes while pointing out the flaws, such as an increase in rear-end collisions. The author also explains how he reported the story and provides numerous links to resources so readers can continue to explore the topic.

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