Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Reimagining Public Spaces: The Share-It-Square in Portland, Oregon

    The Share-It-Square is a public space intended to foster a sense of community. Neighbors started the idea as a way to get to know each other. The intersection in Portland has grown from a simple meeting place to one that now boasts a library, a playhouse, a message board and a kiosk that’s always full of tea.

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  • A ski company built a power plant fueled by methane. It's a success, but can it be replicated?

    A ski company and oil and gas executive were able to work out a deal to turn the Elk Creek Mine into a power plant that puts out 24 million kilowatt hours a year and prevents hundreds of billions of methane each year from escaping into the atmosphere. The plant hasn’t made a profit yet for its investors and regulatory red tape could make it difficult to implement in other places, but officials say the plant has been successful and could be a way to combat climate change.

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  • Can Removing Highways Fix America's Cities?

    One of the first cities to undo the damage that mid-20th-century urban highways did to neighborhoods has filled in a sunken highway and opened streets to new shops, pedestrians, and bikes. After more than two decades of planning, Rochester got rid of part of the Inner Loop that bisected the east side of its downtown during a phase of highway construction that prized suburban commuters' convenience over city residents' homes. The conversion to a thriving neighborhood will take more than just new streets and buildings, but the project serves as a template for dozens of infrastructure projects nationwide.

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  • What to Do With Piles of Plastic Waste?

    From collecting plastic to transforming it into infrastructure, communities all over the world are implementing solutions to tackle the growing amount of plastic waste. In Malawi, women are separating garbage from plastic and creating new products like fire briquettes, doormats, and organic compost that they can sell to others. A town in Tasmania turned their plastic waste into a road made of recycled asphalt that is expected to last 15 percent longer than regular asphalt. And Zimbabwe is employing youth to recycle plastic into eco-friendly construction materials.

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  • 'We Need To Act Now': This Small Wisconsin City Is Boosting Its Use Of Renewable Energy To Fight Climate Change

    The city of River Falls in Wisconsin built the state’s first city-owned solar garden, taking steps to reduce their use of fossil fuels and encourage community members to go green. Now, all city buildings are 100 percent run on renewable energy and residents can sign up for a program allowing them to buy renewable energy. Getting people to take action can be difficult, but city officials say they found the right message to get its residents on board.

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  • The Southwest Offers Blueprints for the Future of Wastewater Reuse

    As the U.S. Southwest continues to navigate ongoing water crises, several places — including Las Vegas; Orange County, California;, and San Diego — are turning wastewater into drinking water. Their various systems are recycling and treating wastewater as a way to save money and create a reliable supply of drinking water for residents in arid climates. Outreach and education in these communities helped make these systems successful and could be a model for others looking to supplement their traditional water supplies.

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  • Helping animals cross the road and other obstacles

    As human infrastructure continues to threaten animal habitats, researchers are coming up with ways to use artificial structures as bridges for these creatures to get where they need to go. In Indonesia, irrigation pipes help farmers water their crops, but they’re also used by slow lorises to cross over the farmlands. In Brazil, a bridge crossing a major highway will be used by golden lion tamarins to avoid the busy traffic.

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  • How Jersey City Middle Schoolers Stopped a Flood

    In a science class in a local New Jersey school, students came up with a green solution to a storm water management and flooding problem in their parking lot when it rained. With help from the Cooperative Extension Water Resources Program out of Rutgers University and funding from city agencies, they were able to build planters and install concrete to absorb the runoff. The project galvanized the community, encouraging the school to expand their STEM curriculum.

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  • Road Salt Is Imperiling Aquatic Ecosystems. It Doesn't Have To.

    An experiment in upstate New York showed how town officials could maintain clean and safe roads during the winter season and protect the environment. By using a salt brine before winter storms, they were able to plow the roads more efficiently and, at the same time, reduce the amount of salt going into waterways that could impact freshwater ecosystems. The effort, launched by the nonprofit FUND for Lake George, required “a culture shift within the towns’ maintenance departments,” but the communities were able to cut their salt usage in half over two years.

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  • How Sweden is taking back parking spaces to improve urban living

    A pop-up public space was installed in Gothenburg, the latest in a Swedish experiment that’s looking at how to transform parking spaces on city streets into community areas. Previous installations of the experiment, known as the “one-minute city,” in Stockholm were received positively and other cities have expressed interest in the project.

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