Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Can ‘Bystander Intervention Training' Stop Hate Crimes?

    High-profile violence directed at Asian-Americans generated enormous interest in bystander intervention training. The most popular program in New York, a free online course from Hollaback!, teaches five approaches to intervening in a nonviolent incident, when someone is being harassed. Research has shown the method to be effective at interrupting an attack. Some critics see these methods as too short-term a solution, but other experts say they can helpfully make people more aware of threats to others and more able to respond in the moment, rather than freezing uncomfortably in the presence of a bias attack.

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  • Algorithmic Redlining Is Real. Why Not Algorithmic Greenlining?

    Urban planning algorithms have contributed to the racial wealth gap by prioritizing funding for communities that don’t need extra funding, but which would create a higher return on investment. The algorithm bias negatively impacts neighborhoods that are typically Black and poor. Detroit’s water and sewage utilities were disconnected as a result of an algorithm, highlighting the “fundamental pitfall of algorithms, as well as the risks that they can be misused or produce unintended consequences.”

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  • Teen invents playing cards that are gender-equal -- and diverse

    16-year-old Maayan Segal and her father launched Queeng, a deck of cards that represents gender equality and includes a range of racial and cultural identities. The first iteration sold over 50,000 decks but was re-designed after critics cited the lack of racial diversity. The hand-drawn cards include a range of skin tones and facial features, and king cards are replaced by male and female “Monarch” cards, "Dutchess" or "Duke" cards replace queen cards, and "Prince" or "Princess" cards replace jack cards. There are also female jokers. Five days after its release, Queeng 2.0 already sold over 4,000 decks.

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  • The New Push for Corporate Diversity Comes with an Atlanta Address

    Companies are making the move to Atlanta in their efforts to diversify their workforces. Corporate diversity is hard to achieve in places like Silicon Valley. Instead, companies like Pandora have drastically increased the number of diverse employees since moving to the majority-Black city.

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  • Avid Bookshop's New Book Club Promotes Literature About Race and Labor

    Georgia’s Racial Justice Centering Committee, part of the University of Georgia’s United Campus Workers, runs the Racial Justice, Labor, and the South Book Club at the Avid Bookshop. The moderator-led discussions provide attendees with exposure to diverse literature and an opportunity to learn about the intersection between labor and race. While University of Georgia students are the target audience, the book club is open to the public. Meetings are currently held on zoom, but in-person meetings at the bookshop introduced a wider audience to the diverse books and increased support of the local business.

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  • An Illinois district proved programs for gifted students can be diverse

    U-46, Chicago's second-largest school district faced a legal suit in 2005 for discrimination of Hispanic students in its gifted programs and is now setting an example for how programs can be upended for good. By 2018 U-46's gifted program consisted of 48% Hispanic students, a better representation of a 57% Hispanic district. The changes implemented by the district included addressing systemic issues by not relying on teacher recommendations and instead testing all third and sixth graders, expanding the number of seats for gifted students. The district also has teachers undergo antiracism training and more.

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  • Oakland's Chinatown finds solutions to hate crimes

    With hate crimes against Asian Americans on the rise, Oakland's Community Ambassadors program serves the city's Chinatown by caring for the neighborhood and making people feel safe. Started as a way for formerly incarcerated people from San Quentin Prison to reconnect with the community, the program builds trust with residents who might be wary about asking the police for help and who may be so afraid of street crime that they don't leave home. Ambassadors walk the streets to help the elderly get groceries, check in with people experiencing homelessness, and hear the concerns of shopkeepers and residents.

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  • The radical idea to reduce crime by policing less, not more

    Using the tools of medical research can help transform policing from an arbitrary and often-damaging practice ruled by gut instinct into a carefully calibrated approach to reducing crime without causing so much collateral damage. In one of dozens of randomized controlled trials, researchers discovered how much more effective it is to provide counseling and other non-punitive treatments to people charged with lower-level crimes and considered at moderate risk of committing more of the same. Knowing what actually works can make policing more effective while reducing its footprint.

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  • Seattle Bets on Equitable Development

    An Equitable Development Initiative was launched as a result of a racial equity analysis that gauged the effect that Seattle’s economic growth would have on communities of color. Funding for the initiative has gone toward capital for these communities to purchase real estate and develop projects that build up affordable housing, child care, food security, and other issues that would best serve longtime residents and prevent gentrification.

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  • Anti-Racist Science Education : Short Wave

    Science is dominated by white men, and some of the most well-regarded scientists were notoriously racist. Some science teachers are not shying away from the history of racism embedded in science but are embracing it. In this episode of Short Wave, three teachers share how they’re integrating race into the curriculum from delving into the ethics of experiments, to journaling, to reading “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks." “To fix the lab we have to fix the classroom.”

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