Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The Social Wall: How one Berlin school integrated by segregating

    A progressive funding model has been a boon to schools in Berlin’s poorer neighborhoods, which receive a baseline of staff and resources. But schools in poorer neighborhoods face a myriad of struggles that additional resources haven’t been able to quell, due to the deep socioeconomic disparities between the home neighborhoods of wealthy and poor students. However, one elementary school seems to have succeeded in desegregating students by offering a choice of academic tracks.

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  • The rise and fall of Berlin's plan to integrate schools

    Part 2 of 3 in Series "The Social Wall: Universal Lessons in Berlin's Attempt to Integrate Schools" - A progressive funding model has been a boon to schools in Berlin’s poorer neighborhoods, which receive a baseline of staff and resources. But schools in poorer neighborhoods face a myriad of struggles that additional resources haven’t been able to quell, due to the deep socioeconomic disparities between the home neighborhoods of wealthy and poor students. This "social wall" lies exactly along the lines of the once physical Berlin wall and now divide the haves and have-nots.

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  • Ontario celebrates diversity, but still works to close achievement gaps

    Part 2 of the "Equity or Bust: Are Ontario's Public Schools a Model for Pennsylvania" Series: Ontario has become widely lauded for its education system, celebrated for both high performance and relatively smaller achievement gaps between wealthy and poor students, particularly compared to the system in Pennsylvania. Keys to Ontario's success include celebrating diversity and catering education modules to the varied backgrounds of their students, as well as increased parent-teacher involvement.

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  • Research says there are ways to reduce racial bias. Calling people racist isn't one of them.

    After the 2016 elections, division, issues of bigotry and racism led to prejudice and resentment. Research studies at different universities around the country have shown that by opening dialogue with people across racial, gender, and class lines, tensions defuse. With conversations, people are more likely to have empathy toward people that are different from them.

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  • Lag In Brain Donation Hampers Understanding Of Dementia In Blacks

    There is a racial disparity in science, the black population is extremely underrepresented and due to historically terrible treatment of black individuals by science they are very reluctant to engage in research. Therefore, researchers are now starting to directly target black and other underrepresented groups to try to spur involvement.

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  • In Extreme Community Policing, Cops Become the Neighbor

    In efforts to diminish violent crime, police agencies are revisiting a model law enforcement strategy of the 1970s, "community policing," as an alternative to the more recent "broken windows" style of the late nineties. Research substantiates its effectiveness, too, in building citizens' trust of law enforcement, helping a community's ability to solve its own problems, and, in turn, decreasing crime rates. Despite redefined priorities in the wake of 9/11 and post-recession budget cuts, community policing is again on the rise and bringing positive results, too.

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  • At Leschi Elementary, equity conversations are common — among teachers, parents and, increasingly, students

    For many years, Leschi Elementary was a divided school - white kids were overwhelmingly enrolled in Leschi's Montessori program, while students of color were most likely found in the "contemporary" classes. In 2014, staff decided to combine the two curricula, offering all students a "Best of Both" blended model. Leschi now openly encourages conversations about social justice and inclusion among both students and parents and while there was some initial attrition after the change, most families are now quick to point to the clear benefits of the school's shift.

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  • What happened when Camden started rethinking policing to build trust

    Police reform in Camden, New Jersey has centered on de-escalation and increased surveillance. With these reforms, the city has seen a decrease in violent and nonviolent crime and a decrease in the use of and complaints of excessive force by police. While not without concerns of the increased surveillance, the department says the shift of role from warrior to guardian is showing impact.

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  • Muslim and Latino communities in Southern California mix during Ramadan — thanks to taco trucks

    Under an administration that frequently spouts racist rhetoric and enforced divisive legislation such as the Muslim ban and the border wall, minority communities - particularly Islamic and Latino communities - are having to work harder than ever to combat the dichotomy of their neighborhoods. In Santa Ana, the Islamic Center has created a clever way to unite the varied demographics of the community: taco trucks - once the punch line of a derogatory quip from a Trump supporter - open during Ramadan to help foster cultural exchange and neighborly relations.

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  • Innovators Face Challenges in Breaking Down Barriers to Capital for Underserved Entrepreneurs

    Existing services and resources for entrepreneurs disproportionately do not help minorities and women, making it difficult for them to become successful. Programs such as MORTAR aim to help these under served entrepreneurs by providing capital to help their businesses take off.

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