Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Black Lives Matter Policy Agenda Looks a Lot Like a Playbook for Inclusive Cities

    Windsor, Ontario has a similar economic industry as its neighbor Detroit Michigan; however, Detroit has substantial low-income Black communities compared with Windsor. The Movement for Black Lives has created a six-piece platform that addresses what the United States should do to face the disproportionate problems faced by Black communities. Some of those platforms, including pairing the unemployed with economic incentives, removing questions about criminal history on job applications, and tax revisions, have found success in other cities.

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  • Connecting social justice and black identity at a national debate camp in Baltimore

    In the past, debate teams have lacked diversity and have been mostly compromised by white students. Beginning in the 1990s, Urban Debate Leagues engaged minority students and challenged the traditional style of debate, which was disconnected from communities of color. In cities like Baltimore, students of color are encouraged to debate by talking about their “black identity and structural racism.”

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  • Barriers to Reforming Police Practices

    With the police killings of Freddie Gray, Laquan McDonald, and other black lives across the country, the problem remains how to reform police departments and reduce excessive force on unarmed men and women. Procedural justice is a strategy that centers on legitimizing the law for at-risk communities by building trust, so that the environment of policing changes to one of respect and less crime results. Procedural justice has begun to be implemented across U.S. police departments with some measurable successes, although police accountability remains important and should be an extension of the strategy.

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  • A Strategy to Build Police-Citizen Trust

    The increase of violence between the police and Black communities across the country requires a reconstruction of the relationship that addresses empathy, trust, and crime reduction. The Department of Justice has developed test programs in different cities that train police officers in procedural justice. The early results of this program in Stockton, CA show that communities and police have built trust and law legitimacy, while the crime rate has not increased.

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  • There Is A Shortage Of Male Teachers Of Color. NYC Is Working To Fix That.

    While many of America's classrooms are increasingly diversifying, the demographic makeup of their educators is not, and turnover of minority teachers remains high. A program in New York City called NYC Men Teach is working to foster better representation of minorities at the front of the classroom, providing resources like financial incentives, professional mentoring and training, as well as increased visibility to the growing need for male teachers of color.

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  • The New Officer Friendly, Armed With Instagram, Tweets and Emojis

    With so much police brutality upon black men in the news, police departments across the country have been perceived with suspicion and fear. A police officer in North Little Rock has sought to change the perspective of the police through videos on social media and actions toward community policing.

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  • Some Seattle schools end ‘tracking' in push for equity and success

    Educators in the Seattle area are making a move to desegregate schools by removing track-based course structures. Inspired by the work and research of one school in New York, Washington is seeing results in closing the achievement gap by blending general-education students with those in advanced courses, creating a stimulating environment for all and better opportunities for minority students.

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  • Alternatives to school suspensions show promise

    Suspensions make kids, especially minorities, fall behind in class and drop out, elevating the risk of incarceration. The Restorative Justice Initiative, in Oakland, has been credited with helping to reduce suspensions by having defiant students talk through the issues.

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  • Policing the Police

    The Department of Justice has ordered the Newark Police Department to make reforms to its policing practices, so that public safety will not compromise the human rights. An investigation into the NPD has shown that officers made too many undocumented stops and used unjustified excessive force, resulting in community mistrust. The Newark mayor has begun re-training the police force, reworked standards for punishing police misconduct, advocated body cameras, and civilian oversight of the police department – all of which has started to improve community relations and build trust.

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  • ‘Microcosm of the city': Garfield High principal navigates racial divide

    After leading Seattle’s storied Garfield High School for more than a decade, Principal Ted Howard is having a crisis of conscience, wondering if his hard line with youth of color is hurting the very students he most wants to help.

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