Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The Problem We All Live With

    At the height of desegregation, the achievement gap between white and black students decreased to 18 percent, compared to 49 percent. Evidence suggests integrating schools works, because it gives students of color access to the same resources as white students. Yet, schools remain largely segregated along class and racial lines. In Missouri, after Normandy School District in Normandy lost its accreditation, black students were given an opportunity to transfer into the much more affluent, and mostly white school district, Frances Howell. This episode shows the challenges of integrating schools.

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  • Can Training Programs Help Improve Police-Community Relations?

    Lawyers and activists are educating residents in cities across the country on encounters with law enforcement. Know Your Rights training programs have been held by lawyers and community activists in neighborhoods in urban cities nationwide, designed to help residents understand the limits of police authority.

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  • Keep Kids Out of Handcuffs

    From state to state, officials are grappling with how to improve how children experience the criminal justice system. The process is highly variable – each state varies on the age that children can go to court, and a child’s race also plays a large role in how they’re treated by everyone from law enforcement to judges. States like Massachusetts are trying to pass laws that take a more holistic, transparent approach to juvenile justice, and organizations like their Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative are helping parents recognize their power in the system.

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  • These 10 photos show how faith leaders are responding to Baltimore riots

    Photos and videos show various actions religious leaders and institutions in Baltimore are taking to help rebuild their community and foster positive interaction in the midst of racial tension, looting, and rioting.

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  • A New Way to Commemorate Atrocity

    Memorials are being created at rapid rates these days, but they seem to lack a long-term effect on the public. The Chicago Torture Justice Memorials project seeks to change this pattern by putting out an international call for memorial proposals, wanting a variety in visions and a collective memorial, in order to remember the torture of black detainees and racialized police misconduct.

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  • Diversity in the Classroom: How to Solve the Black Male Teacher Shortage

    America's teacher workforce is disproportionately white and female, with black males constituting only 2 percent of instructors. The Call Me MISTER initiative, based out of Clemson University, provides test prep, tuition assistance, academic counseling, and job placements to students from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds - "The goal is to create life long career educators." Fifteen years after Call Me MISTER's founding, the number of black males teaching in South Carolina's public schools has doubled.

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  • What police departments can learn about race relations from the LAPD

    Los Angeles used to be a hotbed of racial profiling and unrest. Now, in the wake of Ferguson and the police killings in Brooklyn, Chief Charlie Beck thinks his force could be a model for the rest of the nation. The dept. has worked hard in recent years to create a police department that reflects the city it serves and has made fundamental progress on key civil rights issues.

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  • How Cincinnati Revitalized Police-Community Relations

    After a policeman shot and killed a teenage African American, a community in Cincinnati blamed law enforcement for racial profiling and riots expanded throughout the city. With the help of the Department of Justice as a mediator, Cincinnati made policy changes. The city now has an African American Police Association that brings police officers in communication with representatives of communities.

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  • 4 Out of 5 Black Women Are Overweight. This Group Has the Solution.

    Obesity has become a health crisis for many women in the African-American community, but a group known as GirlTrek is working to change this by making exercise a social norm and creating supportive connections between women with shared goals. This new organization, which works to identify barriers that many in this community face, channels African-American history to encourage black women to walk their way toward better health.

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  • Education in Indian Country: Obstacles and Opportunity

    Native American student graduation rates are much lower than that of any other demographic. The Red Cloud school teaches students on a reservation in South Dakota about the Lakota history to empower the kids and encourage resilience.

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