Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How Denmark is administering vaccines at three times the rate of Ireland

    Denmark public health workers have been able to distribute nearly their entire supply of the COVID-19 vaccine thanks in part to early preparation tactics and "a capable health system." Although the country had to procure special freezers and pay more by choosing to move forward with the first vaccine on the market, the success to administer the vaccinations to the public "far outstrips other EU countries."

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  • 'We Don't Feel Forgotten At All': Alaska Fires Up COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout

    Alaska has achieved one of the highest vaccination rates in the country due to prioritizing access to the vaccine for rural and Indigenous residents. Using a myriad of transportation efforts – including a fleet of chartered planes, a water taxi drove, and sleds pulled behind snow machines – clinicians have been able to deliver thousands of doses to these remote communities.

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  • Three countries have pulled far ahead of the rest of the world in distributing Covid-19 vaccines

    Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain have each "vaccinated a higher proportion of their populations than the rest of the world" due to strategies that included early approval of the vaccine, centralized and digitized health care data management, and cross-sector information campaigns. Although it's yet to be seen how these efforts will fare when the vaccine is released to the general public, they have proven to be successful for distribution to vulnerable people and communities.

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  • Why West Virginia's Winning The Race To Get COVID-19 Vaccine Into Arms

    West Virginia managed to deliver approximately 90% of the COVID-19 vaccine doses allocated to the state within a week by "charting its own path to vaccine distribution." Rather than rely on chain stores as part of the vaccination plan every other state has done, the West Virginia government partnered with local pharmacies who were already serving rural populations and long-term care facilities to piggyback off of those already-established relationships.

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  • Vying for vaccines, Jewish Israelis help fill near-empty clinics in Arab towns

    In Israel, Arab communities have welcomed those from neighboring Jewish communities into their cities to receive the COVID-19 vaccine as a means of "helping firm up the sluggish response to the vaccination drive among Arabs." Using social media and communication apps to determine where doses are available, Jewish Iranians have been "flocking" to Arab towns which in turn has created a "vaccine-bolstering buzz" among Arabs and encouraged many to also get the vaccination after initial hesitation and reluctance.

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  • California hospital distributes 850 vaccines in 2.5 hours when refrigerator fails

    When a hospital refrigerator that was housing 850 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine stopped working, local health officials in Mendocino County, California worked together to quickly devise a distribution plan. Through strategic outreach and localized pop-up distribution sites, the health officials were able to successfully distribute all of the vaccines to individuals before they expired.

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  • How New York City Vaccinated 6 Million People in Less Than a Month

    When a smallpox outbreak was deemed to be a likelihood in New York City in 1947, the city’s health commissioner rapidly launched a vaccination campaign that leveraged internal collaboration, consistent and transparent communication, and contact tracing. The effort culminated in more than six million people receiving vaccination in under a month, and only 12 infections and two deaths total. While this "public health triumph" hold lessons for the current COVID-19 pandemic, experts caution, “It’s almost inconceivable that we’re going to be able to do something similar as rapidly and as effectively.”

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  • Plans Tweaked For Campus Return

    Five New Haven universities and colleges are taking different approaches to re-opening their campuses. Administration at the University of New Haven is ramping up Covid testing to test 20% of in-person students weekly, an increase from as little as 5% before, along with adding a 20-minute break between classes to decrease crowd densities during passing periods. Other campuses, like Yale, are skipping the spring break period and only allow around 75% of its student population to live on-campus.

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  • Some NC rent relief recipients have no 'HOPE' of using money

    North Carolina's rent-relief program, Housing Opportunities and Prevention of Evictions (HOPE), has helped 3,000 families pay their rent and utilities. But the program's reach has been cut short by some landlords' refusal to accept the government aid because it comes with a required eviction ban and a cap on rent increases. The program pays up to six months' rent. Charlotte officials are debating a measure that would block landlords from discriminating based on the source of money used to pay rent.

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  • Pandemic Offers Surprising Opportunity for Farmers

    The coronavirus pandemic,and related lockdowns and travel restrictions caused farmers across Zimbabwe to lose substantial income as crops spoiled. But the crisis led to a shift in strategy, with many farmers participating in bartering networks that have opened new markets closer to home. Having to travel shorter distances creates greater income stability, as reliable transportation was an issue well before the pandemic. Farmers also shifted the types of crops they sell with an eye towards adding value. Dried produce and herbs increase profits by up to 30% and allow farmers to supply crops out of season.

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