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  • In pandemic recovery, New York has had more success than Mass. What explains the gap?

    New York's success in eventually controlling the spread of coronavirus can be attributed to a few key factors. Unlike Massachusetts, which experienced fluctuating COVID-19 infections on its way to recovery, New York has had a steady decline. Strict social distancing guidelines and tough enforcement of businesses that did not adhere to the rules, proved effective in keeping infection rates low. NY also banned indoor dining which was allowed as early as June in MA.

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  • Beating the coronavirus with knives, forks, and moving tables

    Restaurants in Providence, Rhode Island are "repurposing parking lots, waterfronts, and any adjacent land where an al fresco meal can be savored, public health preserved, and restaurant profits protected" during the coronavirus pandemic. Collaborative efforts by various elected officials, health officials, and emergency responders are making the idea to repurpose outdoor areas feasible, and some restaurants have already projected a significant success in profits.

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  • In New Zealand, Life Was Ordinary Again With No Virus Spread, But It Didn't Last

    New Zealand has been able to nearly eradicate Covid-19 due to rapid intervention strategies taken by the government that were predicated on quickly identifying clusters of cases and implementing rigorous contact tracing. Although the country went 101 days without a single case reported, a few cases have once again surfaced. However, because residents had already been using a contact tracing smartphone app and were "encouraged to add masks to their emergency kits," many were prepared for the onset of any new cases.

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  • Dartmouth Is the Blueprint for NFL Success in 2020. Yes, Dartmouth.

    Dartmouth College's football team reduced injuries and began winning more games after the coaching staff implemented non-contact tactics into practices, such as using robotic tackling dummies in place of the players themselves. The practice was already gaining recognition from other schools, but amid the coronavirus, the NFL is now trying out similar protocols too.

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  • Pescadores de Guanacaste venden por primera vez en ferias del agricultor

    La iniciativa Arroz y Frijoles está ayudando a los pescadores de Guanacaste, Costa Rica a sobrevivir los efectos economicos de la pandemia sobre el turismo y sus ingresos. La iniciativa fue iniciada por la Cámara de Pescadores de Guanacaste al empezar la pandemia, y opera de tal manera que el producto de los pescadores se compra a un precio fijo, y luego se vende en un mercado de agricultores. Desde que empezo la iniciativa, la CPG ha comprado 21.600 kilos de producto.

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  • Plan B : Comment rendre une ville (vraiment) cyclable

    En temps de pandémie, le vélo permet une circulation présentant moins de risque pour la transmission du virus. De nombreuses villes se mettent à développer des infrastructures cyclables. Celles-ci ne sont pas toujours idéales pour les cyclistes et autres acteurs de la mobilité urbaine, mais certaines pratiques apportent des bénéfices.

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  • Dutch Cooperation Made an ‘Intelligent Lockdown' a Success

    The Netherlands approach of balancing the potential for future economic hardship with the current risk of Covid-19 spreading has appeared to have helped the country to flatten the curve of cases faster than other areas that implemented mandatory lockdown measures. Although critics of this "controlled distribution" approach point out that the country has still seen thousands of deaths and could see future waves of outbreaks, at this point in time, "the Netherlands has both flattened the curve and kept life tolerable."

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  • Where Do We Grow From Here?

    In Montana, a group of professionals were brought together to collaborate on the pandemic recovery effort underway in Bozeman, with the economic development director at the helm. Known as the Bozeman Economic Recovery and Resiliency Team, the group is comprised of 25 members including business leaders, local and state government officials, education leadership, and representatives from tourism and childcare industries, among others. The group was formed at the outset of the pandemic to efficiently communicate constantly-shifting information, ascertain needs, and manage local recovery efforts.

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  • How this country of 97 million kept its coronavirus death toll at zero

    Thanks to a speedy early containment effort, rigorous contact tracing and quarantine policies, and effective public communications, Vietnam suffered zero COVID-19 deaths through the first four-plus months of the crisis and a relatively low infection rate overall. The country’s success, notable especially in light of its modest economic and healthcare conditions, began with a strict three-week national lockdown. Since then, businesses and schools reopened, under social-distancing rules. Throughout, the country's elaborate propaganda network spread hygiene messages to a public accustomed to viral outbreaks.

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  • These Unsung Countries Are Vanquishing the Virus

    During the onset of the pandemic, countries around the world took a variety of different measures to protect its citizens and economies. While some countries continue to be negatively affected by the coronavirus, places like Vietnam, Canada, Croatia, Finland, and New Zealand reacted by taking restrictive measures from the start and have successfully contained the virus. Responses include distributing funds to individuals and businesses on the honors system, closing down everything except grocery stores, hospitals, and pharmacies, as well as rapid implementation of widespread testing.

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