Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Beyond the Yuck Factor: Cities Turn to ‘Extreme' Water Recycling

    San Francisco is popularizing centralized water reuse systems that collect blackwater from toilets and sinks and greywater from showers and washing machines to clean it and use it again. This is a cheaper, more sustainable option for nonpotable water used to water plants or flush toilets in a city struggling with water scarcity.

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  • Chanja Datti – the Nigerian plastic waste pioneer

    Chanja Datti, a social enterprise in Nigeria, turns recyclables into commercially viable products to sell for manufacturing, like pellets and bales. The company collects waste from various organizations and pays locals who collect trash and turn it in.

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  • Bidibidi refugee tackles plastic waste 

    Generous Design Africa works to reduce plastic pollution through upcycling and recycling. The group recycles plastic and makes products like rulers, cups, and buttons, that are sold for profit. Generous Design Africa also holds two monthly trainings to teach locals about plastic recycling and the dangers of plastic pollution. So far, more than 100 people have attended the training.

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  • Waste Management; Turning Plastic Waste into Wealth.

    A digital marketplace called Trash Coin is increasing the amount of waste that gets recycled in Nigeria. People can find the nearest drop-off location on the company’s mobile app to exchange recyclables for payment vouchers. Payment is based on the weight of the waste and can be transferred to bank accounts or used to pay for services like electricity.

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  • Athens Repair Café Tackles Climate Change By Repairing Items, Attitudes

    The Athens Repair Café allows locals to bring in their broken items — like bikes and appliances — to be repaired by skilled volunteers in an effort to utilize a reuse model that extends the life of the items, preventing the need for purchasing replacements. The Athens Repair Café is one of 2,664 Repair Cafés worldwide registered under Repair Café International and over the past year, about 100 items have been successfully repaired.

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  • Over 2,000 Companies Buy and Sell Recycled Plastic at This Online Marketplace

    A startup in Germany created an online platform, Cirplus, that connects recycling companies with manufacturers and distributors in the plastic industry. The site encourages the move towards a circular economy by improving transparency for buyers and sellers.

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  • How Recycling Wastewater Could Help Quench the West's Thirst

    Drought-stricken cities in California are turning to direct potable reuse of water to combat drinking water shortages. This process involves treating wastewater and returning it to the drinking water supply.

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  • Cleaning the city to breathe easier

    One Step Greener collects trash from residents of Delhi, India, and sorts the recyclables to be sold to recyclers. This practice keeps trash out of landfills and improves the air quality of the city.

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  • Shred Up Halabja: Glimpse of Hope Amid Plastic Bombardment

    The Shred Up Halabja Recycling Center is the first successful plastic collection and recycling system in Halabja, Iraq. The project collects plastics from schools, homes, and public places to recycle and turn into usable products. It also educates students about the importance of recycling to encourage understanding and innovation.

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  • Want to Help Rid the Ocean of Plastic? Grab an Oar

    Clean Ocean Sailing is a volunteer-based organization that boats to largely inaccessible parts of Cornwall’s coasts to pull plastic pollution out of the ocean and off the beaches using kayaks, rowboats, and physical labor.

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