Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Mourning the Demise of a Zen Place to Die

    Instead of simply prioritizing growth, nonprofits need to implement carefully sized solutions with consideration to the longevity of their model. The closure of the Zen Hospice Project in San Francisco, California, demonstrates how issues stemming from rapid growth scaling can undermine the longevity of a nonprofit’s mission. As the hospices’ human- and mindfulness-centered approach faded in the face of expansion, the toll and tensions led to a loss of crucial human capital, leading the hospice to close.

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  • In Detroit, one organization is schooling Muslims on racial justice

    In a movement that started from a trending hashtag on Twitter - #BeingBlackandMuslim - scholars and activists around the country are working to reduce stereotypes about Black Muslims. Organizations that arose from the movement now compile toolkits, syllabi, and other educational materials about being Black and Muslim in America, and how stereotypes and racism is perpetuated both within and outside religious communities.

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  • Nigeria, Kenya and Senegal - Three African Countries Providing Solutions in Fight Against Genital Cutting of Girls

    This cross-border story, which takes place in Nigeria, Kenya, and Senegal, examines 3 different approaches to address the still-widespread practice of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). In Nigeria, a short film about FGM has prompted the passing of a new law and gathered a new wave of survivors speaking up. In Kenya, a group called Dayaa Women's Group actively involves the traditionalists (cutters) and religious/community institutions in the fight against FGM along with widespread trainings. In Sengal, women lead the fight with a radio program for girls and providing financial incentives to prior cutters.

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  • When public restrooms fail, rent them out as churches?

    On World Toilet Day in 2014, the Kenyan government promised to build 180 public toilets in an ambitious move to combat the issue of public sanitation. The program went well once the keys were handed off to the National Youth Service of Kenya as a means of income, but issues quickly arose that could not be resolved because of a lack of further funds. The youth has since transformed their toilets into a rental space for local churches, such as Christ Miracle Church for All Nations in Laini Saba.

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  • Nuns and Nones: A modern religious community

    The "Nuns and Nones" communities around the United States bring together Catholic nuns and millennial "nones," who don't affiliate with a particular religion, to foster a communal living environment. The program allows religious and non-religious individuals to share ideologies and living spaces, addressing the diminishing scope of religious communities in America.

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  • The Hijabi Monologues: The young Muslims in Britain using the arts to reclaim their culture

    Story-telling, poetry, and other performance art helps to bridge cultural divides and allows individuals to present more nuanced representations of their communities. Thanks to a grant from the Said Foundation, the Hijabi Monologues are working both to combat stereotypes and to increase access to the arts for Muslims. The Foundation partners with festivals and provides opportunities for Muslim artists and storytellers to reach new audiences and build bridges with other communities.

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  • “Don't cry, strategize” with Khalida Brohi

    Focused on the idea of honor and honor killings, activist Khalida Brohi started a program that provides rural women in Pakistan career skills and an income in order to fight the pervasive cultural attitudes about women's education. Brohi has been working for this cause for over a decade now and has done a number of different initiatives along the way. In this episode she shares some of her insights from her work, such as working with the women themselves to change social attitudes rather than the men, or broaching the topic for both men and women using the language of Islam.

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  • How Rwanda's Catholic clinics struck a contraception compromise

    Cooperation between state public health and religious institutions expands access to family planning resources for women. In areas of Rwanda where the Catholic Church operates some of the only healthcare centers, the Rwandan government has circumvented the prohibitive cost of building new facilities by partnering with the Church. Although the Catholic institutions refuse to provide access to birth control, they have agreed to refer women to small governmental health clinic outposts that supplement the Church’s care by distributing birth control.

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  • Canton men's shelter set for expansion

    In Canton, Ohio, Refuge of Hope is a faith-based organization serving the town's male homeless population, offering a place to stay overnight and meals. The organization runs primarily through the help of volunteers, providing more than 80,000 hot meals and 15,000 nights of shelter.

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  • Making Space for Worship in the 21st Century

    With the aim of providing a space for congregations without a space to worship, Church Space created “co-churching” spaces that offer a room, lighting, musical instruments, a PA system and other amenities for rent. A congregation books the space for a Sunday time slot and has access during a weekday as well.

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