Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Food truck church brings faith and calzones to those in need

    Mobile Action Ministries in St. Paul, Minnesota is bringing church to those who often don’t have access to it. Led by Reverand Margaret Kelly, the church brings those experiencing poverty and homelessness meals and worship in a food truck. The initiative operates on donations and partners with suburban congregations in the hopes of bridging socio-economic divides.

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  • Salt Lake City a model for S.F. on homeless solutions

    San Francisco’s chronically homeless population remains staggeringly high. Salt Lake City has managed to eradicate much of their chronically homeless by geographically placing supportive housing distant from the city’s center and receiving financial assistance from the Mormon Church. The housing is attractive, modern, and offers a good ratio between counselors and homeless clients—all of which helps make the homeless want to stay off the streets.

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  • Breaking the Silence

    Clergy abuse in the Catholic church has been rampant and was often swept under the rug. Until Barrett Doyle and others started 'Bishop Accountability' to keep a record of clergy abuse, and a support group and blog have also been created as a path for healing and sharing stories that will also hopefully help prompt change in the church.

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  • For Veterans, a Surge of New Treatments for Trauma

    Post-traumatic stress has dire consequences for U.S. veterans, including an increase in suicide, and not all therapeutic treatments for the disorder have succeeded. To treat and potentially cure the effects of PTSD, the Center for Mind-Body Awareness offers veterans Buddhist-inspired meditation, and mindfulness, as well as skills to develop creative expression.

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  • A Better Way to Talk About Faith

    Interfaith Youth Core (IFYC) brings together college students from different faiths so that they develop respect and appreciation for each other and different traditions. IFYC also cultivates interfaith leaders and organizes campus-based campaigns called Better Together. Some students have received push back from their faith communities, but students and faculty have reported the campaigns for interfaith engagement leads to positive outcomes of increasing tolerance on campuses. The organization has trained students who have run campaigns on 106 campuses.

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  • At a Big Church, a Small Group Health Solution

    The best way to lose weight is to join a small group. This article looks at the case study of Saddleback Church in southern California that mixed faith and peer support to help congregates lose weight, including the pastor. Surveys found that 72% of participants lost weight as a result of the program.

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  • Tibetan Exiles: 'We Shall Overcome'

    A New York-based nonprofit called Students for a Free Tibet is training Tibetans in "how to stage nonviolent protests." This effort, in conjunction with other Tibetan NGOs, has helped activists in Dharamsala, India to become "more organized, media savvy and technologically sophisticated," which in turn has increased the number of people who have come together to participate in the nonviolent protests.

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  • Coalition eager to apply lessons at home, Milwaukee anti-crime group inspired by its mission to Boston

    Now that a coalition of Milwaukee preachers, police and prosecutors has witnessed firsthand the success of a crime-fighting partnership in Boston, the local coalition is clearing its first obstacle -- putting its ideas into action at home.

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  • Holy alliance: Boston's cop-clergy partnership sees plunge in homicides

    Partnerships between police officers and clergy are being credited with dramatically reducing the rate of homicide in Boston, particularly among teens. And it is drawing the attention of officials in larger cities across the United States, all of whom are looking at adopting some portion of the Boston model.

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