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  • Lessons From Singapore, Hong Kong And South Korea's Response To Coronavirus

    Singapore, Hong Kong, and South Korea have each seen success through their efforts to contain the coronavirus. Using methods such as aggressive isolation methods that include penalties, contact tracing and rapid intervention strategies that were in place from previously dealing with other communicable diseases, the lessons these countries have learned could provide information for countries still struggling to slow the spread.

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  • What Singapore can teach the U.S. about responding to Covid-19

    When Singapore detected its first cases of COVID-19 in early February, the country topped world lists in terms of confirmed infections. But unlike other countries, Singapore never experienced an exponential increase in cases, thanks to extensive governmental preparation, widespread testing and case reporting, mandatory social distancing, and strong public health communications.

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  • Governments are using cellphone location data to manage the coronavirus

    Governments across the world are using data from cell phones to better track the movement of those under quarantine restrictions during coronavirus. While each country using this containment strategy is implementing it in different ways, the information shared is kept anonymous but, in some cases, grants the greater public access to movements of individuals to know where possible contagions may have occurred.

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  • With command and control, Taiwan excels in managing COVID-19

    After the 2003 SARS epidemic, Taiwan formed the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC), which has proved necessary in the face of COVID19. The CECC has helped coordinated screenings for incoming travelers, rationing face masks, creating a hotline, and enforcing mandatory self-quarantines. They’ve also integrated health insurance, immigration, and customs databases to identify those most at risk.

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  • The Virus Can Be Stopped, but Only With Harsh Steps, Experts Say

    Countries that have more recently fought against communicable and infectious disease outbreaks, such as China, are offering lessons about potential ways to slow the spread of COVID-19. Stricter and more efficient guidance around testing protocols, retrofitting hospitals to triage potential virus carriers, and training volunteers to do "ground-level but crucial medical tasks," are all practices that have shown to have helped slow the spread in countries outside of the U.S.

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  • What can the West learn from Asia's coronavirus fight?

    As the West continues to battle the spread of coronavirus, countries like Singapore, Hong Kong, and Taiwan offer lessons in what's working to flatten the curve. Although some measures such as early intervention and social distancing are more difficult to implement after the spread has begun, other tactics such as contact tracing and clear communication also have proven impactful.

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  • 2 regions of Italy took different approaches to fighting the coronavirus. Their results show that widespread testing and early social distancing really work.

    As the coronavirus outbreak swept Italy, two regions took two different approaches that now offer for a case study for social distancing and widespread testing. The region of Veneto, which implemented widespread testing and strict quarantine measures early on, "has seen a slower rate of increase in new cases and deaths," that the region of Lombardy which comparitively has seen their hospitals become overwhelmed.

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  • Aggressive testing helps Italian town cut new coronavirus cases to zero

    By testing all residents for coronavirus, a town in Italy was able to isolate both the symptomatic and asymptomatic cases which resulted in the containment of the virus. The initial round of testing indicated that three percent of the population tested positive and those residents were quarantined, as were any people who they had been in contact with. The second round of testing showed that the infected number had declined to less than half a percent.

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  • Taiwan has only 77 coronavirus cases. Its response to the crisis shows that swift action and widespread healthcare can prevent an outbreak.

    Taiwan has been able to contain the spread of the coronavirus by implementing rapid intervention strategies and protocols from the onset of the public health crisis. Relying on "public-health infrastructure and data analytics, affordable healthcare, and extensive educational outreach," the country's government officials did not hesitate to act, partly due to lessons they had learned during the 2003 SARS crisis.

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  • Why Norway Is Banning its Residents From Their Own Vacation Homes

    The Norwegian government has banned residents from retreating to their rural, vacation homes as they self-isolate during the COVID19 pandemic. Those that do will face a nearly $2,000 fine, or 15 days in jail. This ban is in place because rural health infrastructure cannot handle the influx of residents if they were to arrive and start testing positive for the novel coronavirus.

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