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  • How Vietnam Learned From China's Coronavirus Mistakes

    China has seen success in containing the coronavirus through strict governmental oversight but when the virus made its way to Vietnam – a country with similar rule – the government enacted more transparent approaches and relied on social networks to mitigate the spread. Although it is yet to be seen if one methodology was superior to the other, Vietnam's strategy of accountability and transparency has "proved to be effective and furnished positive results."

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  • Containing coronavirus: lessons from Asia

    Taiwan, Singapore, South Korea, Hong Kong, and Japan all implemented similar comprehensive public health emergency plans that successfully reduced the spread of coronavirus in each region. Although each country used tactics such as travel restrictions, widespread testing, transparent communication, and quarantine protocols, Taiwan and South Korea are emerging as models for other countries due to the structure of democracy.

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  • Polio Epidemic Offers Guidance For Getting Through COVID-19

    Epidemics aren't new in the United States, and past outbreaks can provide lessons for the current coronavirus pandemic. Specifically looking at the polio epidemic that paralyzed parts of the country, studies of individual American cities show the difference rapid intervention strategies, such as school closures and crowd size limitations, make.

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  • They've Contained the Coronavirus. Here's How.

    Singapore, Taiwan, and Hong Kong have each shown success with slowing the pace of the coronavirus outbreak due in part from learning lessons during the 2002 SARS outbreak. Combining different approaches to social distancing and quarantine, travel restrictions, and public health campaigns focused on hygiene best practices, the countries have shown that it doesn't necessarily take "China’s draconian measures" to mitigate the spread.

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  • Confronting a Pandemic

    The United States and Italy have been playing catch up in the mitigation of the coronavirus pandemic and were resistant to implementing social distancing, while other countries took more aggressive approaches. Now both countries are looking to China and South Korea to learn how sweeping actions and industrialized scaling of measures such as fever clinics, temperature check points, portable CAT scanning, and social isolation, have helped to contain the pandemic.

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  • Why are Korea's Covid-19 death rates so low?

    After an initial sharp spike in positive COVID-19 cases, South Korea kept the number of deaths low and stopped the virus from spreading dramatically, without resorting to the same draconian isolation measures in other countries like China. To do so, the government of South Korea relied on its strong national health service, learned from prior virus outbreaks, executed an aggressive strategy of testing, and enforced social distancing and treatment protocols.

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  • How Taiwan and Singapore Have Contained the Coronavirus

    Compared to countries of similar size and stature, Taiwan and Singapore both had extremely effective responses to halt the spread of the novel coronavirus. Each faced their own unique set of circumstances, but they used common tactics, including stopping flights from China, rationing mask purchases, and proactively finding new cases along with quarantining current ones. Both countries' government officials also had effective and clear communications with themselves and the public.

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  • 'Flattening the curve' may be the world's best bet to slow the coronavirus

    As countries scramble to figure out how to stop the coronavirus outbreak, China is an example of how unprecedented measures to self-quarantine and self-distancing measures can work to slow transmission rates. Commonly refered to as "flattening the curve," this practice allows for the health-care system to avoid being overwhelmed with cases, which in turn means more people can be treated.

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  • What Singapore's coronavirus tactics can and can't teach world

    Although many hesitate to applaud Singapore's efforts in containing the coronavirus pandemic due to the aggressive measures taken, the country's methodology has shown success. Based on "scientific knowledge, empirical data and medical research," the country has implemented measures such as contact tracing, stay-home orders, hygiene campaigns, and monetary bonuses for health care workers, all of which work to slow the spread of the virus.

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  • Why Taiwan Has Just 42 Coronavirus Cases while Neighbors Report Hundreds or Thousands

    Because of drastic and proactive steps, Taiwan has been able to keep their number of positive COVID19 cases low. Preemptive actions like stopping flights from China and an early stimulus bill has helped the country get ahead of the public health and economic impacts.

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