Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How has Vietnam, a developing nation in South-East Asia, done so well to combat coronavirus?

    Vietnam has reported less than 300 COVID-19 cases and no related deaths, earning the government and citizens praise for how the country has thus far tackled the spread of the virus. The country's comprehensive methodology of scalable testing, closure of borders, mandatory quarantine, and public messaging such as "staying home is loving your country," resulted Vietnam not just emerging as an outlier for containment, but has also allowed for local businesses and some tourist attractions to reopen.

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  • Once the coronavirus 'epicenter,' this American city reversed course

    When coronavirus first appeared in the United States, Seattle emerged as an epicenter, but just a few months later, the city and state have largely reduced the overall caseload. Local officials say that a unified approach, consisting of a combination of measured governmental action and strategic conversations between leaders and tech giants, was the key to slowing the spread while also gaining buy-in from state residents.

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  • In Contrast To Wyoming, Wind River Tribes Counter COVID-19 With Aggressive Measures

    Eastern Shoshone and Northern Arapaho tribes share land, and despite previous disagreements, they collaborated to create one of the state's most effective coronavirus testing clinics. 3,000 people from both tribes have been tested, about 30% of all tests done in Wyoming. The two nations have also helped residents, impacted by casino closures and sharp drops in oil and gas revenues, with special hunting seasons, food supply distributions, and providing quarantine housing. More testing has meant higher cases identified, which has led some to create a narrative blaming Native people for the spread of the virus.

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  • As Maine gradually reopens, disease investigations will be more important than ever

    Contact tracing of the novel coronavirus is helping Maine slowly and safely reopen after lockdown by tracking the spread of the virus and mitigating risk of those who may have been exposed. In order to effectively contact trace during a pandemic, at least 30 staff per 100,000 people are needed, of which most states – Maine included – don’t have.

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  • Aggressive testing and pop songs: how Vietnam contained the coronavirus

    Although Vietnam had a limited ability to treat coronavirus patients due to lack of treatment infrastructures, the country has been able to keep their case count low by implementing aggressive testing, contact tracing and information management. The citizens have been receptive to the arguably intrusive measures taken and have also expressed appreciation for the creative approaches used, such as employing pop singers to create educational songs and artists to design influential posters.

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  • New Zealand has ‘effectively eliminated' coronavirus. Here's what they did right.

    While most countries around the world are trying to implement strategies to contain the coronavirus outbreak, New Zealand set out to eradicate the virus. Rapid government-enacted intervention strategies and a reliance on science coupled with compliance from community members has resulted in the countrywide caseload remaining significantly low and has allowed for parts of the region to slowly reopen.

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  • Germany avoids the worst of coronavirus crisis — but how?

    Germany has emerged during the coronavirus pandemic as a country that has successfully been able to avoid the worst-case scenario, unlike many other countries still battling the virus. Although the country hasn't escaped unscathed, the country's accessible and reliable health care system and a public trust in government officials both helped form the country's successful response to the outbreak.

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  • Greece Has ‘Defied the Odds' in the Pandemic

    Because of early and quick actions by the government – and a compliant populace – Greece has seen under 200 COVID-19 deaths, relatively low compared to its European counterparts. The country was quick to cancel large gatherings, enforce mandatory quarantines after travel, increase its healthcare infrastructure, and impose a strict shelter-in-place order. While these measures have seemingly had an impact, limitations like lack of testing and outbreaks in refugee camps are making some question those results.

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  • Senegal trials begin for $1 COVID-19 test kit

    Senegal has largely been able to keep the coronavirus outbreak at manageable levels thanks to early detection strategies and the reliance on local research. Crediting lessons learned from past communicable disease outbreaks, the country was quick to implement restrictions and health protocols and is now working on developing a faster test.

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  • Some Countries Are Squashing the Coronavirus Curve. Vietnam Is One.

    Vietnam implemented rigid protocols around contact tracing and quarantine methodologies in order to contain the coronavirus outbreak, and so far, it has paid off with no deaths and a manageable caseload. Although a large population of citizens are still in government quarantine facilities, signs of reopening parts of the economy are underway and the overall response to the pandemic may help gain credibility from "global manufacturers looking to diversify out of China."

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