Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The Real Cost of Diversifying College Rosters

    The rosters of sports teams at small liberal arts schools are often predominantly white and wealthy. Amherst College in Massachusetts has made a concerted effort to stop recruiting from the same "pay to play" pool and reach more student-athletes of color and student-athletes from different socio-economic backgrounds.

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  • Playoff Loss Births Nutritional Program at Morgan County High School

    To better the health of their high school football athletes, Morgan County High School in Georgia implemented a program that focuses on ensuring the school's athletes are eating enough to compensate for the physical activity they're enduring. The program, which implements ideas from college models, provides players with breakfast, lunch, and a pre-practice snack or pre-game meal, while also monitoring each individual's nutrition.

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  • The practice problem: Concussion issue reaches beyond game action

    To reduce risk of concussions in high school football, high school coaches in Oregon are reducing the amount of impact time allowed during practices. Using the parameters established via the USA Football five levels of contact, high school coaches keep their players under 90 minutes of contact per week and instead work to "create higher-level intensity contact, without hitting each other, that is safe for the athlete."

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  • Phoenix's Champion schools reimagine the relationship between sports and education

    Champion Schools in Arizona put sports at the center of their curriculum, not to cultivate the next generation of professionals, but to build community and encourage active habits in its majority low-income student body. Coupled with a healthy meals program, the physical and skills training provides sports opportunities to low-income students, who are far less likely than their affluent peers to play a team sport.

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  • These high school runners train in 'nasty air,' so they're working to clean it up

    Grassroots organization can generate change in carbon emissions practices at the community level. In Phoenix, the Chispa nonprofit organization that promotes environmental and social justice, is working to get schools to apply to Arizona’s Lower-Emissions Bus program, funded by money paid to the state in the aftermath of Volkswagen’s emissions scandal. By mobilizing volunteers to canvass neighborhoods and attend school board meetings, the group has succeeded in getting at least one school district to purchase an electric bus and implement a pilot program.

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  • A decade ago, these girls weren't allowed to play lacrosse. Now they inspire a reservation.

    Allowing women on the St. Regis Mohawk Reservation to play lacrosse, historically an all-male sport in the Mohawk tradition, has had an empowering effect. In a time when “eighty-four percent of American Indian and Alaska Native women have endured physical, sexual or psychological violence in their lifetime,” being able to play a sport that could lead to a division 1 scholarship is motivating many of these young women, in addition to building skills and challenging traditional gender roles.

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  • Baylor officials open up about extensive Title IX reform

    In the aftermath of multiple sexual assault incidents, Baylor University has moved toward turning what was once a culture of avoidance into a culture of accountability. The university has increased the staff, funding, and resources devoted to its Title IX office, including a new website for students to report incidents. Furthermore, the university promotes ongoing education and awareness among both its students and athletes with programs that promote healthy relationships.

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  • Oregon's unique Title IX reporting policy gives autonomy to students

    Confidential points of contact allow victims to reach out about Title IX violations and sexual assault on their own terms. Following multiple incidents involving members of its basketball team, the University of Oregon has reconfigured its approach to Title IX with new policies that give victims control over when an incident is reported. The broader Title IX program defines expectations and sets norms surrounding sexual harassment and consent through educational programs, digital resources, a student hotline, and the designation of individuals as confidential points of contact.

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  • Battling concussions: Solving a funding puzzle

    Oregon school districts are looking to Hawaii school districts to learn the best ways to implement athletic trainers into high school athletics programs across the state. Although there are many obstacles to overcome that primarily center on funding strategies, Hawaii provides a model of how to increase safety from the sidelines.

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  • Battling concussions: Where's the trainer?

    In Oregon, school are required by law to remove a child from play if they have been concussed, but not all schools have athletic trainers to assess the situation. Although it's still up to each individual school district to make the decision about hiring athletic trainers, the schools that have chosen to do so, have found success through creating partnerships.

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