Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • South Carolina finds innovative way to help first-time moms

    Thanks to social impact bonds, the Nurse-Family Partnership in South Carolina pairs specially trained nurses with low-income pregnant women for regular home visits, giving the mothers coaching to break the poverty cycle. The state should realize a return on its investment long-term, with lower Medicaid costs, fewer preterm births, bigger gaps between childbirths and fewer emergency room visits.

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  • Could this 12-year, unconditional mentors program help Detroit's kids?

    Friends of the Children is an organization in Portland that pairs kindergarteners from poor and chaotic families with mentors, who commit to being with them for 12 years. Through attention and consistency mentors are helping to keep these at risk children from dropping out of school, becoming a young parent or getting in trouble with the law.

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  • Tuk Tuks and Two Tents Bring Health Services to Uganda's Slums

    Uganda has one of the highest rates of teen pregnancy in Africa, but a unique mobile health clinic is helping to reduce the rates of conception. Marie Stopes’ tuk tuks brings health care, sexual education and contraceptives to women in poor communities.

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  • Safe Passage: Access to Abortion in India

    Cultural stigmas, a lack of information, and shortages of qualified providers mean that - despite being a legal process - millions of women in India still suffer and die from botched and back-ally abortions each year. The Ipas Development Foundation is working to change perceptions and save lives by providing training and certifications to healthcare workers, passing out free contraception, helping break social taboos, and distributing informational resources communicating women's rights to reproductive healthcare.

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  • Winning the Campaign to Curb Teen Pregnancy

    Compared with other developed countries, the United States has a higher rate of teenage pregnancy. However, Colorado has collaborated with foundations, private donors, and has taken advantage of Obamacare’s coverage to offer free long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs) for several years. The program providing LARCs has contributed to a drop in the teenage abortion rate, the teenage pregnancy rate, and fewer children born in poverty, all while being a cost-saving measure for taxpayers.

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  • HIV-prevention pill: The deeply personal journey of a male sex worker in Kenya

    For sex workers or other vulnerable populations, they are at a high risk to be exposed to HIV. Truvada is an HIV prevention pill that is currently being tested and could help protect individuals from this disease.

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  • Repairing Wounded Soldiers' Sex Lives

    New veteran services focus on sexual rehabilitation as a part of occupational rehab programs for veterans with genital injuries or other physical and mental limitations. Physical therapy and idea generation help wounded veterans relearn how to be intimate with themselves and their partners.

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  • Tackling Teen Pregnancy

    Through comprehensive sex education, widely available contraception and their Human Sexuality Education law, Oregon has managed to drastically reduce their teen pregnancy rates.

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  • Dormitory expansion in Tanzania is slow but keeps girls in school

    Everyone knows how to stop the epidemic of teen pregnancies in Tanzania, where one out of every four babies is born to a woman under the age of 18. It is one thing that politicians, teachers, sisters, priests, imams, police officers and activists all agree on. And its success has been proven by plummeting teen pregnancy rates everywhere it has been implemented.

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  • Meet the Thai Sex Workers Fighting for Their Right to Earn a Living

    Empower, a sex workers' rights organization with over 50,000 members, has been steadily pushing to improve the working conditions of women in the sex trade in Thailand. In addition to advocating for decriminalization of the trade as the best option, Empower focuses on equipping sex workers with the tools they need to assert their independence, including English classes and HIV prevention. The organization's approach is starkly different than other popular theories, such as brothel raids or the Nordic model of criminalizing the customers.

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