Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Swedish sex education has time for games and mature debate

    The United Kingdom’s teen birthrate is as high as 19.7 births per 1,000 women; one contributing factor is that sex education is not a requirement and can span only a day. Gnesta in Sweden offers a four to five week course on comprehensive sex education with a curriculum that makes the topic enjoyable, informative, and sensitive. As a result, the teen birthrate is only 5.2 per 1,000.

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  • In Bangladesh, Grassroots Efforts to End Violence Against Women

    A non-profit in Bangladesh is fighting domestic violence by having female and especially male Bangladeshi volunteers give sexual education and women's rights classes.

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  • The Common Sense Move That Reduced California's Teen Pregnancy Rate by 60 Percent

    A “comprehensive, medically accurate and age- and culturally-appropriate" sexual education model, rather than the popular abstinence-only one, has been the key element in California's huge reduction in rates of teen pregnancy.

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  • Catholic leaders battle against free birth control in the Philippines

    In the Philipines, contraception has been hard to find resulting in many parents without money to feed their children, unsafe abortions, and poor maternal health. A new reproductive law aims to change this by allowing contraception in clinics to help women take control of their reproductive systems.

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  • Can teaching Kenyan girls to save money also save them from HIV?

    For adolescent girls in Kenya, poverty increases the likelihood of sexual exploitation. The Safe and Smart Savings program at Zelyn Academy creates a “safe space," where girls can talk about two seemingly disparate — and often taboo — topics: smart savings and reproductive and sexual health, and help break the cycles of poverty and HIV/AIDS.

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  • Activists are trying to stop gang rape in India by talking about sex

    Sex ed is surprisingly awkward in the land of the Kama Sutra, but one foundation is trying to change that with a modern version of the program, all in an effort to stop gang rape.

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  • Colorado offered free birth control — and teen abortions fell by 42 percent

    Colorado has seen a dramatic decrease in teen pregnancy rates after a privately funded program worked to offer intrauterine devices (IUDs) at little or no cost to low-income women. The program, combined with other factors, is being partially credited with helping Colorado see a decrease in both teen birth rates and teen abortion rates, although funding is in jeopardy.

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  • New York City's Teen Pregnancy Rate Plummeted After High Schools Expanded Access To Plan B

    From 2001 to 2011, New York City's teen pregnancy rate decreased by 27 percent as a result of increased access to contraceptives. Public schools started providing Plan B and condoms to students.

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