Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Teaching Young Students About the Birds and the Bees

    In public schools in New York and across the country, sexual education classes that don't work are a serious issue. To combat misinformation and myths, the Peer Health Exchange (PHE) program trains college students to be health educators in classrooms, utilizing near-peer relationships to help increase transparency and accuracy when teaching about sex, birth control, consent, and healthy relationships.

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  • How Do You Stop Abusive Relationships? Teach Teens How to Be Respectful Partners

    A program called RAPP (Relationship Abuse Prevention Program) uses safe spaces for teens to talk about their romantic relationships with both peer and adult leaders as a way to prevent abusive relationships through education. It is supported by New York City's Human Resources Administration, the Mayor’s Office to End Domestic and Gender-Based Violence, Day One, and Steps to End Violence and Urban Resource Institute (URI). The program is now in 94 schools across the city, and participants / peer leaders testify to how much it changed their lives.

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  • Tucson-area reproductive-health program thrives by allowing teens to help teens

    Peer-to-peer reproductive health programs allow the concerns of youth to be heard and addressed. In Tucson, Arizona, the El Rio Health Center’s Reproductive Health Access Project allowed young people to have a say in the design of the program and types of services offered, including sexual health screenings and education. With the help a grant through Advocates for Youth, the program also operates AZ Shine, a teen-focused appointment service.

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  • How can mindfulness help kids?

    Researchers are adapting MindUp, a mindfulness program first used in North America and Europe, to non-Western countries to help with sex and gender-based violence education. While the program has been shown to reduce aggression in some cases, MindUp teams have had trouble getting buy-in from new countries as a result of religious concerns and differences in opinion about the appropriate role of students in their own education.

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  • Doctor smartphone and other tales from the bedroom

    Teenagers and young adults across Africa are using myPaddi, an app that allows the user to ask medical questions from the privacy of their own home. Eliminating stigma as well as information that is often derived from a religious or cultural angle, the app is helping bridge the gap between patient and doctor.

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  • La Cruz Succeeds in Lowering Record Teen Pregnancy Numbers

    Throughout the province of Guanacaste, teen pregnancy is among one of the difficulties facing the region, but collaborative efforts in La Cruz are working to reverse the trend. From expanding access to birth control to holding educational workshops, the local communities have already seen a decrease in reported teen pregnancies despite pushback from those that prefer abstinence only approaches.

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  • How Colorado Halved Abortion and Teen Birth Rates

    Providing access to family planning and health services in addition to contraception leads to a reduction in unplanned and teen pregnancies. Colorado’s Family Planning Initiative has contributed to the state’s steep drop in unintended pregnancies and abortions during the past decade. The initiative trains healthcare workers, enrolls community partners, and uses outreach to normalize conversations about family planning.

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  • Let Me Help You Find Bliss

    There are many things to consider when it comes to the quality of life and psychological needs of people living with disabilities, but one need rarely remembered is their sexuality. A Czech organization called Freya trains people to be sexual assistants who work with people with a range of abilities to learn how to become more comfortable with their own bodies and sexuality and physical tactics to help them do so. The service offers them a chance to experience basic human pleasures, and many testify to how much it has shaped their self-esteem and psychological health.

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  • How Rwanda could be the first country to wipe out cervical cancer

    Rwanda has launched a community and health driven campaign in order to put a stop to the spread of cervical cancer by educating women about the HPV vaccine. Driven largely by dispelling myths and providing accurate information focused on the vaccine's role in mitigating against cancer, the country has now achieved over 90 percent vaccination rates for girls.

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  • Pomůžu ti zažít slast

    Sexualita lidí se zdravotním postižením je v Česku tabu. I oni ale mají erotické touhy a potřebují sexuální prožitky. Situaci se v posledních letech snaží měnit spolek Freya, který vzdělává zájemce o práci sexuálních asistentů a asistentek. Ti pak pomáhají lidem s hendikepem cítit se lépe ve vlastním těle. Ukazují jim, jak jim v tom může pomoct sexualita, erotické pomůcky nebo různé typy dotyku. Služba klientům nabízí šanci naplnit základní lidské potřeby a zažít potěšení. Lidé, kteří sexuální asistenci využívají, říkají, že jim pomohla formovat sebevědomí i psychické zdraví.

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