Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Inside Colombia's City of Women

    La Ciudad de Las Mujeres or the City of Women was built by displaced women in Colombia. They are the survivors of violence from the Colombian war. “Today the neighbourhood has its own infrastructure, housing almost 500 people with a school, all built by the women.” The organization has also established a credit fund for micro-enterprises, a brick factory, a community restaurant, and a childcare center.

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  • What It Looks Like When A University Truly Fixes How It Handles Sexual Assault

    Oregon State University was being criticized for its handling of sexual assault cases, particularly Brenda Tracy's case that occurred in 1998. Now years later, the president of OSU- Ed Ray, has formally apologized, hired Tracy as a consultant, the Sexual Assault Resource Center has been created, and other steps that have led to a more prepared environment to help victims of sexual assault.

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  • Can a College That's Notorious for Sexual Assault Reform Itself?

    At the University of Virginia, the all-male peer education group One in Four works to create new standards surrounding sexual violence against women.

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  • When Kids Are Accused of Sex Crimes

    Juveniles who were placed on sex offender registries, some for crimes they committed before they were even teens, face a slew of life changing consequences that follows them for the rest of their life: “depression, addiction, suicidal thoughts, and other signs of post-traumatic stress.” Many will struggle to find a job, others will get targeted and harassed, some, overwhelmed by the pressure, have ended their life. Parents, legal scholars, and activists are pushing back against the notion that children, under the law, should be tried as mini adults.

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  • The Secret Lives of Male Sex Abuse Survivors

    One in six boys in the United States has experienced sexual abuse before turning 18. With few recovery options in real life, more of them are going online for support.

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  • On embassy row, a fraying veil of immunity

    Domestic abuse of the staff in the households of the 1% is often overlooked or ignored. But foreign missions in the US that abuse their domestic staff are finally being held accountable.

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  • In Florida's tomato fields, a fight for ethical farm labor grows

    Sexual harassment and assault, and almost non-existent job security, are just some of the problems that plague migrant workers in the United States. A decade-long farm worker-led effort to push corporations to demand farmers submit to “clean labor” audits has yielded, for the first time, the introduction of shade tents, mandated water and bathroom breaks.

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  • Straight talk about sex in the Canadian Arctic

    Rates of teen pregnancy, sexually transmitted disease, and domestic violence are disproportionately higher among indigenous women, and girls in rural villages in the Canadian north are at particular risk. FOXY, a traveling organization dedicated to bringing sexual education and health to these hard-to-reach communities, provides an innovative and inclusive approach to teaching youth about sexual and relationship health.

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  • How puppets can stop vulnerable children from becoming sex offenders

    Be Safe uses tools like puppets to teach young children who are showing early signs of harmful sexual behavior how to control their sexual urges and what behavior is and isn’t appropriate. The goal is to intervene early to stop the behavior from developing into something more serious. So far, all but one child who graduated from Be Safe’s program has shown a reduction or total elimination of their behavior.

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  • We Know One Way To Stop Sexual Assault, But Students Aren't Doing It

    A national survey showed that few college students intervene when witnessing a sexual assault. The school with the highest rate of student intervention was Dartmouth College, where students receive bystander prevention training.

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