Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • It's More Than a Church Parking Lot. It's a Safe Zone for Homeless Women and Families

    Homeless individuals who sleep in their car are often ticketed or woken in the middle of the night, it can also be an especially dangerous sleep setup for women. Lake Washington United Methodist Church started a Safe Parking Program that allows women to park overnight in their parking lot, use the bathroom and kitchen, and enjoy a sense of safety and community.

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  • Unique Program Delivers Emergency Care In Person To Native Victims Of Sexual Assault

    By some estimates, sexual assault on U.S. Indian reservations is the worst in the world with one in three Native women assaulted during their lifetime. But nine courageous women at Wind River Reservation are trying a totally new approach. They deliver emergency care in person.

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  • The University Of Texas Makes Major Investment To Address Deficits In Campus Sexual Assault Research

    2014 was a year marked nationwide by activism and unprecedented federal attention to the issue of campus sexual assault. The University of Texas system is putting $1.7 million into a comprehensive, multi-year effort to combat sexual assault on campus.

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  • 7 solutions that could help stop rape on the night shift

    The night shift janitor is an easy target. Working in isolation, cleaners across the country say they have been harassed, assaulted and raped by supervisors and co-workers while tidying office buildings, shopping malls and universities, as our investigation exposed.

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  • Teaching women to fight today could stop rapes tomorrow

    “Empowerment self-defense” teaches women how to defend themselves against sexual assault, psychological awareness, and how to be verbally assertive. A study showed that women who took empowerment self defense classes saw a “46% reduction in completed rape and a 63% reduction in attempted sexual assault.”

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  • Teaching women self-defence still the best way to reduce sexual assaults: study

    In the debate over how to reduce sexual assault on university campuses, proposing self-defense classes for women is controversial. But, according to new landmark Canadian research, it works.

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  • College Rape Prevention Program Proves a Rare Success

    Sexual violence is a serious hazard on college campuses - by some estimates, one in five female students are raped, and women tend to be at the greatest risk during their first year on campus. But a program that trained first-year female college students at various Canadian colleges to avoid rape substantially lowered their risk of being sexually assaulted, a rare success against a problem that has been resistant to many prevention efforts.

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  • In sexual misconduct, data offer limited guidance

    As campuses across the country race to address a burgeoning nationwide conversation about sexual assault, policymakers, politicians, university counselors and students alike are faced with a lack of quantitative information. But Yale University has taken significant steps to collect and distribute information that may finally change the toxic culture of campus sexual assault.

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  • Can teaching Kenyan girls to save money also save them from HIV?

    For adolescent girls in Kenya, poverty increases the likelihood of sexual exploitation. The Safe and Smart Savings program at Zelyn Academy creates a “safe space," where girls can talk about two seemingly disparate — and often taboo — topics: smart savings and reproductive and sexual health, and help break the cycles of poverty and HIV/AIDS.

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  • The iPhone Case That Can Call the Police

    The Pittsburgh startup company, Lifeshel, has developed a phone case, called Whistl, that help those in an emergency, specifically those who may be being assaulted. The technology is activated by buttons on the outside of the case that, when pressed, emits a high-volume alert, lights a strobing LED light, sends bluetooth notifications to law-enforcement, and starts automatically recording whatever may be occurring.

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