Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How 7 Women Helped Put Sexual Harassment on New York's Agenda

    After 11 months of calls to employment lawyers and civil rights groups, legal proceedings, and recommended reforms to current legislation, seven women of the Sexual Harassment Working Group, all of whom are survivors, have successfully forced the New York's lawmakers to hold the first public hearing on sexual harassment since 1992. The members of the working group see the hearing as an important first step in reckoning with Albany's checkered past.

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  • Healing a generation wounded by Boko Haram

    The Neem Foundation brings intensive counseling and 1-on-1 therapy to survivors who escaped the horrific violence of Boko Haram, a terrorist group in northeastern Nigeria. With months of aid and tough conversations, the organization attempts to reunite women and children who fled the violence with their families, many of whom shun the Boko Haram escapees.

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  • Portland, Ore., Tackles Untested Sexual Assault Kits with Tech

    To tackle the backlog of untested sexual assault kits, police agencies in Portland, Oregon collaborated with the Portland Bureau of Technology Services to create a tracking system for the kits, leading to a decrease in untested kits and ensuring that data was able to be analyzed and shared quickly when necessary. The Sexual Assault Management System, known as SAMS, is now being scaled to cities across America.

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  • Sisterhood Is Powerful

    In November 2017 the Swedish army had their own #MeToo movement: "called #givaktochbitihop, which loosely translates to 'stand at attention and bite the bullet.'” A group of about 50 female sailors formed a group supporting one another called GRYM, an acronym that in Swedish stands for Community, Recruitment, Career guidance, and Mentorship. They support anyone who needs guidance in reporting or healing, and they normalize the subject of sexual assault in everyday conversation. Members of the Navy testify to how the group has helped bring about cultural change amongst the ranks.

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  • Helping Women Exit Incarceration Successfully

    Crossroads for Women, a New Mexico nonprofit, is helping formerly incarcerated women find community, support, and recovery. Using trauma-informed care practices, the program offers a comprehensive list of services like housing, mental health treatment, employment counseling, and substance abuse treatment. Underlying all services is the understanding that no individual is trauma free and that community and relationships are crucial to sustainable recovery.

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  • A better way to investigate rape

    In West Valley City, Utah, the police department has transformed how they handle sex crimes. Department reforms include mandatory training on trauma, required testing of all rape kits, and the development of a set of guidelines to use when questioning victims – all of which shifting their focus towards justice and healing. The reforms have led to sharp increases in cases prosecuted and convicted and even changes in legislation statewide.

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  • Elsa and Nosipho: they both sell sex for a living, but in opposite worlds

    In many countries, sex work is illegal which means that those working in the industry have very few rights when it comes to sexual abuse. Amsterdam is one of the few places where this line of work is legal, however, and because of this, workers not only have rights, but are able to also advocate for better practices.

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  • One country's plan to solve the world's hidden health crisis

    Health providers are well-positioned to identify and help those who have experienced domestic violence. Nepal is one of several countries training medical workers to identify abused patients and refer them to in-hospital crisis support services.

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  • Sexual-Harassment-Reporting Apps Help Stop Abuse in Global City Streets

    Using data collection and visualization, apps like SafeCity, HarassMap, and #WalkFreely are crowdsourcing locations where individuals have been sexually harassed or assaulted so that others know to take precautions. Some operate on a global scale, others locally, but what they all offer is a platform for people to share their story and hopefully prevent it from happening again. Such apps have led to action from community members, the media, and officials who have taken notice of the high rates in certain places and taken action.

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  • How Colleges Handle Sexual Assault in the #MeToo Era

    School-sponsored instruction on affirmative consent and increased resources for victims of sexual violence on campus have brought colleges closer to meeting Title IX requirements. Across the United States, schools like the University of Iowa are requiring students to attend courses that promote healthy behavior and campus culture. Furthermore, schools across the US are increasing support for Title IX coordinators and bringing in organizations like Green Dot and Bringing in the Bystander to conduct workshops for students.

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