Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • We Can Fix the Law Enforcement Landscape Facing—and Failing—Campus Sexual Assault Survivors

    The Justice Department’s National Center for Campus Public Safety Trauma-Informed Sexual Assault and Adjudication Institute offers trauma-informed trainings for campus officers, police officers, and school officials in an effort to better serve students who have experienced sexual assault. As it stands, navigating the various authority figures can be confusing, re-traumatizing, and complicate due process and criminal justice matters. So far, the Center has facilitated trainings for nearly 300 different organizations.

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  • Training boys and girls to fight sexual violence

    A successful training program in Nairobi is teaching girls to recognize verbal and physical assault and empowering them with the self-defense skills to respond in moments of crisis.

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  • The better way to support rape victims: put their needs first

    While still a relatively new field, restorative justice is providing a way for some sexual assault survivors, and perpetrators, to make amends. Restorative justice is an approach to dealing with crime that involves the person that committed the offense to admit his or her actions and ask for forgiveness, then go through a set of actions to repair the crime, such as community service. Some victims and offenders are finding this a much more productive process than going through the criminal justice system. A peer-reviewed study “reported high rates of satisfaction with the process."

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  • Even after kidnapped girls escape from Boko Haram, reintegrating into society is a big test

    Even after escaping Boko Haram, kidnapped girls and women face social exclusion. They are often viewed as potential insurgents or as guilty of inviting sexual abuse on themselves. Mobile teams coordinated by Plan International are providing medical screenings, psychosocial support, cash transfers to cover school fees, skill-based workshops, and a range of other services, but regular attacks and the rampant social stigma undercut these efforts and make women and girls’ reintegration extremely challenging.

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  • Years-old rape kits are finally being tested. No one can agree on what to do next.

    In Virginia, a bill was passed to test around 2,902 rape kits that had never been tested. Then, the state passes another law that rules police agencies have to notify all victims that their kits have been tested. Advocates and law enforcement agents fear informing all victims will be triggering and traumatic, and prefer to inform only those whose kits result in a match. The Virginia Beach police meets with legislators in attempt to change the law, but fails. Ultimately they try to decide the best way of informing hundreds of survivors of sexual assault.

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  • Is There a Smarter Way to Think About Sexual Assault on Campus?

    Researchers at Columbia University undertook an exhaustive ethnography, interviewing hundreds of students on campus to understand the conditions under which sexual assault occurs. The idea was to get past common assumptions about the dynamics of assault and find what strategies might work best to protect all students. Researchers concluded small structural adjustments to student life could bring substantial change, including more mental health services and different types of responses based on the individual students and the types of incidents.

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  • I Am Evidence

    Hundreds of thousands of rape evidence kits went untested around the nation, in large part because police and prosecutors disbelieved victims on grounds of race and class. When crimes went unexamined, serial rapists continued to commit crimes and more victims were left with their trauma unaddressed. Prosecutors in Detroit and Cleveland fought for the resources to test the "rape kits" and found through DNA evidence thousands of suspects, large numbers of whom were connected to serial rapes. This film takes an intimate look at some victims, police, and prosecutors to show what clearing the backlog means.

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  • Rohingya Volunteers Help Rape Survivors Find Solace in Women-Only Hubs

    A large ethnic cleansing campaign in Myanmar leading to rape and unsafe conditions of women has resulted in an increase in female refugees to Bangladesh. A center run by the United Nations Population Fund is a place for women and girls to come and talk to other females about their trauma and to have fun with the other attendees.

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  • Rohingya Women and Girls Fleeing Rape Find Solace in Safe Spaces

    Hundreds of thousands of women and girls have fled from Northern Myanmar's military ethnic cleansing to Bangladesh, often having suffered rape and gender violence. The United Nations Population Fund center is a place for women to talk about their trauma with counselors and relax with fellow refugees.

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  • Can Sex Work Help Heal Trauma and Anxiety?

    For individuals with severe social anxiety, been victims of rape or abuse, or have disabilities they may never have had a sexual experience. Sex workers or surrogates can offer a trusting environment to help these individuals explore their sexuality and help them to heal.

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