Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The zero-waste revolution: how a new wave of shops could end excess packaging

    All across the UK, zero-waste shops are gaining traction, with over 100 stores popping up in the last two years. They encourage shoppers to buy in bulk, minimize plastic waste, and ponder the power they have as consumers in where they shop. It’s part of a broader trend of reuse and repair that is making it easier to shop and live in an environmentally friendly way.

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  • Fighting Sex Trafficking at the Truck Stop

    Truckers Against Trafficking are making an impact in reducing sex trafficking in the US by educating truckers, their companies, and the law enforcement that intersect with commercial drivers on how to spot sex trafficking and how to respond. To date, this 10-year-old organization has trained more than 700,000 truckers, and does further outreach with initiatives like "Man to Man" (which trains truckers to talk to other men about the issue) and "The Freedom Drivers Project" (a mobile museum about sex trafficking that goes to events like trucker conventions).

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  • #ArewaMeToo and the Centre Giving Sexual Abuse Survivors a Voice in Niger State

    Raising awareness about sexual abuse helps create space for the support and healing of victims. Using the #ArewaMeToo campaign as a platform, women in Nigeria are drawing attention to the shortcomings of Nigeria’s sexual offenses law. Sexual abuse is pervasive, but social pressure or the fear of dishonoring families often leads to silence. Organizations like the Rayuwa Sexual Assault Referral Centre (RSARC) are also raising awareness and providing support to victims of sexual abuse in Niger State. RSARC provides counseling, medical examinations, and ongoing support to survivors of abuse.

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  • How pinwheels and Play-Doh could address post-tornado trauma in Lee County

    Comfort kits provide children with a therapeutic outlet during times of disaster recovery. With disaster relief often centered on adult needs, the kits of Play-Doh, books and various toys distributed in the aftermath of tornado damage in Lee County, Alabama, specifically address stressors borne by the youngest members of families.

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  • A different kind of court: How a Miami judge pioneered a new way of handling minor human trafficking cases

    Human trafficking has become an increasingly prevalent problem, especially in states such as Florida that host a large tourist population. To better serve the victims, Miami-Dade County has created a trauma-focused court that directs adolescents to support services rather than prostitution charges.

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  • Meet Oakland California's First Self-Governed, City-Sanctioned Homeless Camp

    The 77th Avenue Rangers homeless encampment in East Oakland won recognition from police and other city agencies, while other encampments were destroyed, thanks to its location away from residential neighborhoods, its constructive relationship with neighboring businesses, and its ability to establish a peaceful, self-governed community. Home to about 35 people for more than a year and a half, the camp provided stability to the lives of unhoused people. Showers, food, medical and social services, and other amenities proved more helpful to residents than what they found on the streets or in city shelters.

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  • 'Don't feed the monster!' The people who have stopped buying new clothes

    For some in the UK, ending their own accumulation of new clothes is one of the more important ways they can help the environment. Through thrift and secondhand shops, apps, and clothing exchanges, individuals are creating a more sustainable clothing network to make the shift away from new clothing easier.

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  • Healing a generation wounded by Boko Haram

    The Neem Foundation brings intensive counseling and 1-on-1 therapy to survivors who escaped the horrific violence of Boko Haram, a terrorist group in northeastern Nigeria. With months of aid and tough conversations, the organization attempts to reunite women and children who fled the violence with their families, many of whom shun the Boko Haram escapees.

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  • From Gunshots to Galleries: Wraparound Violence Prevention Program Helps Victims Restart their Lives

    The Wraparound Project at Zuckerman San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center turns gunshot victims' hospital stays into "a teachable moment," by providing them with services aimed at helping them avoid a repeat injury. Getting shot once is a key risk factor for a second injury, particularly for gun violence's most common victims, young Black men. Wraparound is one of the nation's oldest hospital-based violence intervention programs. It has helped about 850 clients, mostly with mental health counseling, housing, and jobs. The program is associated with a decreased reinjury rate in San Francisco.

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  • An Online Tool to Catch Workplace Sexual Predators

    Callisto Campus has given students at 12 colleges a secure, online place to record the details of sexual misconduct and to spot repeat offenders using a system that removes barriers to reporting abuse. Survivors who used it were six times more likely to report assaults to campus authorities. The company that makes the system is testing it for use in the workplace, after learning from female startup founders how frequently they were harassed by investors. Callisto Expansion, the workplace version, may face more reluctance among employers unwilling to make it easier to report harassment and assaults.

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