Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • A tall order

    The Malnutrition Prevention and Treatment Program and Nutrition Rehabilitation Home in Kathmandu provide resources to children experiencing, or at risk for, malnutrition, which has long been a life-threatening issue in Nepal.

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  • Undocumented crime victims who assist police are often denied help in getting visa

    Congress created the U visa program in 2000 to encourage undocumented immigrants to report crimes to the police and cooperate with investigations and prosecutions. The visa legalizes an immigrant's status, if certified by a law enforcement agency and approved by the federal government. Some police departments, like Whitehall, Ohio's, routinely reject requests for certification because they want to avoid entanglements in immigration matters, or simply because they are anti-immigrant. No national rules require agencies to comply with the system, though some states do.

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  • Marsy's Law was supposed to help victims. In Jacksonville, it shields police officers.

    A Florida constitutional amendment enacted in 2018 called Marsy's Law protects crime victims' rights, including the right to privacy when public-records laws would otherwise reveal victims' identity. But the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office has interpreted a court decision to justify erasing from public records the names of police officers who shot or killed people, on the grounds that the police should legally be considered crime victims. Marsy's Law has been enacted in 14 states. Critics say it was not meant to undermine police accountability, but they have been unable to enact corrective legislation.

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  • Can ‘Bad Men' Ever Change?

    Among the many restorative justice programs in the U.S., the Domestic Violence Safe Dialogue program was one of the few to arrange face-to-face dialogue between survivors and men who had violently abused women. This form of surrogate dialogue – the pairings are between strangers – helps two people who want to change but can't do it alone. After extensive preparation and led by a facilitator, the meeting gives survivors a way to hear they were not to blame for the harm done to them, and for the men to admit responsibility and help someone else in ways that traditional punitive justice often cannot.

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  • Illinois Has a Program to Compensate Victims of Violent Crimes. Few Applicants Receive Funds.

    As one of the oldest programs of its kind, the Illinois Crime Victim Compensation Program was created in 1973 to reimburse victims of crime and their families for their out-of-pocket expenses, such as funeral and medical costs. An analysis of nearly 15,000 claims filed from 2015 to 2020 shows that only 1 in 50 people who reported a violent crime ever applied for aid, and of those who did only 40% received any aid. A laborious application and documentation process compounds a lack of notice to the public of the program's existence to result in a program that has failed in its primary mission.

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  • Barred From Her Own Home: How a Tool for Fighting Domestic Abuse Fails

    Stay-away orders are a tool New York judges can use to protect victims from their abusers even before accusations get scrutinized in court. They grew out of a reform movement that urged police and prosecutors to take domestic violence more seriously. But they have become a form of summary justice, routinely issued upon the filing of a complaint without proper vetting. They have wrecked families and cost people their homes and jobs based on what turn out to be flimsy or false accusations. New York courts and legislators are considering proposals to fix the system.

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  • 'Just stop the bleeding': The first-aid training officers used to save lives in Austin's mass shooting

    Since 2014, all Austin police officers and cadets receive first-aid training, including the use of tourniquets and CPR. The training, which covers four weeks for cadets, is meant to provide stopgap, life-saving aid when more highly trained medics cannot reach the scene of a mass shooting quickly enough. Gunshot victims can bleed to death quickly, making the speed of the response paramount. Police provided such aid to multiple victims of a June 12, 2021, mass shooting, including transporting people in police vehicles to hospitals. The response is credited with saving lives.

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  • APD touts progress in preventing gun crime through intervention program

    When young people with criminal records get shot in Albuquerque, they may get visited by the police department's Violence Intervention Program: cops and counselors urging the victims to resist the impulse to retaliate. Shooting victims are offered social and health services meant to stabilize their lives. In its first year, the team contacted 149 people, nearly all of whom stayed out of criminal trouble. None got caught with a gun and only one got shot again.

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  • There's a detective at the door; she wants to say 'sorry'

    Using a federal grant to reopen unsolved sexual assault cases, Tucson police and prosecutors have provided hundreds of victims with something they were denied when they first reported being attacked: a clear sense that authorities take their cases seriously. Dozens of possible serial rapists were identified when DNA testing was finally performed, and several suspects were prosecuted. When notifying victims their long-ago cases were getting a second look, detectives and victim advocates start with an apology for neglecting or mishandling the cases in the past.

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  • Overdose Lifeline, state providing a new hope the opioid crisis fight

    Indiana partnered with Overdose Lifeline to make the overdose reversal medication naloxone available via NaloxBoxes. The boxes, which are placed in neutral public areas that aren’t intimidating, hold several kits that each contain one dose of naloxone, instructions on how to use it, and referrals to treatment centers. The boxes make the drug available to anyone 24 hours a day without having to interact with someone. Removing the stigma of having to ask for naloxone makes it more accessible. The 60 boxes currently in use are in areas with the most overdoses and have been used hundreds of times.

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