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  • New Zealand has ‘effectively eliminated' coronavirus. Here's what they did right.

    While most countries around the world are trying to implement strategies to contain the coronavirus outbreak, New Zealand set out to eradicate the virus. Rapid government-enacted intervention strategies and a reliance on science coupled with compliance from community members has resulted in the countrywide caseload remaining significantly low and has allowed for parts of the region to slowly reopen.

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  • Germany avoids the worst of coronavirus crisis — but how?

    Germany has emerged during the coronavirus pandemic as a country that has successfully been able to avoid the worst-case scenario, unlike many other countries still battling the virus. Although the country hasn't escaped unscathed, the country's accessible and reliable health care system and a public trust in government officials both helped form the country's successful response to the outbreak.

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  • Green stimulus: Pakistan sets virus-idled to work planting trees

    A solution in Pakistan to the economic distress caused by the coronavirus pandemic is also tackling another crisis at the same time: climate change. A program called 10 Billion Tree Tsunami employs workers who lost their job due to the quarantine by having them plant saplings all over the country. Wages aren't high, but it does offer workers an opportunity to feed their family until the crisis passes. The jobs created are focused in rural areas for women and other young people. The program is one of the few continuing through the pandemic, and already they have planted 30 million trees.

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  • $1 testing kits: Senegal's approach to coronavirus

    As the COVID-19 pandemic picked up across the world, Senegal, taking lessons from its experiences with Ebola, acted quickly. Measures like hard travel restrictions and lockdowns, daily information briefings and broadcasts, subsidizing hotels for isolations and quarantine, fever checks at most public locations, and cheap and accessible testing. Key to all of this has been the localized context – understanding what will work best for Senegal citizens, especially those in remote areas.

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  • ‘It's miraculous' — no known coronavirus cases in Acadiana's homeless shelters

    Having learned from failures during the 1980s AIDS epidemic, an outreach center in Louisiana was uniquely prepared to take preventative measures as the coronavirus outbreak spread, and so far, the efforts have worked. Not one case has been reported as of yet at Acadiana CARES, and many are crediting that to the rapid intervention strategies that included strict adherence to social distancing and isolating anyone who had underlying conditions or was considered vulnerable.

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  • Some Countries Are Squashing the Coronavirus Curve. Vietnam Is One.

    Vietnam implemented rigid protocols around contact tracing and quarantine methodologies in order to contain the coronavirus outbreak, and so far, it has paid off with no deaths and a manageable caseload. Although a large population of citizens are still in government quarantine facilities, signs of reopening parts of the economy are underway and the overall response to the pandemic may help gain credibility from "global manufacturers looking to diversify out of China."

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  • Seattle's Leaders Let Scientists Take the Lead. New York's Did Not

    In responding to the coronavirus outbreak, Washington State stands in direct contrast to New York in how local governments responded. While New York relied on direction from politicians, Washington State looked to public health experts to lead briefings and directions – a response that is now emerging as a successful model for building trust with state residents, and inspiring action rather than skepticism.

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  • Ramadan In The Age Of Coronavirus: Some Colorado Muslims View Isolation As An Opportunity To Grow In Their Faith

    An Islamic organization called Downtown Denver’s Islamic Center is helping members of their community adjust to the quarantine and maintain their spiritual practice. All services and counseling has been moved online, and their preexisting food assistance program is still going on, albeit adjusted to accommodate for the shortage of volunteers during the quarantine. They even have many one-on-one phone calls with people to work through specific issues. It's not perfect, and they still want to do more, but for now they are serving a great spiritual and communal need.

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  • Rhode Island's successful reopening of child-care programs shows ‘there is a path,' CDC director says

    A CDC study of Rhode-Island childcare centers revealed that out of the 666 childcare centers that were opened, only four had cases that involved the spread of the virus. That’s because of the strict adherence to safety guidelines such as minimum enrollment, no switching of students between groups, and mask wearing. CDC officials believe this is evidence that reopening of child care is possible if the right precautions are taken.

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  • Special Olympics NY goes virtual for 50th anniversary

    The Special Olympics turned 50 in 2020, but the pandemic has put a damper on their original birthday plans. People with intellectual and physical differences who participate rely on the games for social connection, so many are suffering from the social quarantine. To make up for it, the Special Olympics has moved online—creating an online fitness video series with the WWE. The program, called School of Strength, features exercises and even downloadable interactive toolkits for coaches and caregivers. After initial hurdles, they are now going live twice a week and posting new content daily.

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