Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How India's Kerala state 'flattened the curve'

    The state of Kerala, India has been particularly effective in their fight against COVID-19. Kerala happens to have a grassroots democracy with community leaders and the consent of the people, as well as a decentralized health care system. These factors contributed to their other tactics, which include free lunches, a local helpline, and 28-day quarantines. Their efforts have paid off thus far—low mortality rates and high recovery rates—but the fight is not over.

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  • As governments fumbled their coronavirus response, these four got it right. Here's how.

    As the world continues to grapple with COVID-19, we’re also learning lessons from one another. For instance, Taiwan’s ability to have a designated Central Epidemic Command Center helped to coordinate a comprehensive response and keep their numbers low, and Iceland immediately partnered with a private company to scale their testing design. Germany built out their hospital capacity, which can now handle 10x what it needs, and South Korea developed over 500 testing stations around the country.

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  • One church's tale of two pandemics, 100 years apart

    The quarantines and shelter-in-place orders that many cities in the United States are enacting today to combat the coronavirus pandemic can be compared to similar tactics taken in 1918 to stop the spread of influenza pandemic. However, with modern-day technology, churches in particular are finding that they are better able to safely reach their members through the use of video conferencing rather than door-to-door visits. For a Los Angeles church, this is part of a comprehensive approach that aims to abide by social distancing requirements while still helping those in need.

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  • Local Church Doubles Attendance Without Seating a Single Person

    Watkinsville First Baptist Church in Georgia moved their religious services online as early as March 15th, 2020 because of the coronavirus pandemic. Since the church began posting their services every Sunday morning, they have seen their attendance nearly double compared to in-person attendance. They also interact with the congregation through their Facebook page, website, and email. They plan on continuing to post their services online even after the quarantine ends, because they're expecting things to continue to be different after the pandemic.

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  • South Korea's Coronavirus Test Run: How to Hold an Election

    Extra sanitation and health screening precautions allowed South Korea to hold a national election during the Covid-19 pandemic. Mandatory face protection, rubber gloves, taking voters’ temperatures, and providing hand sanitizer and new gloves were some of the requirements at polling stations. Candidates also continued to campaign but took precautions such as face masks, gloves, and microphone covers. While the strictest social distancing was not followed, voters express feeling comfortable and officials say South Korea could provide a model to other countries on how to hold an election during the pandemic.

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  • South Africa flattens its coronavirus curve—and considers how to ease restrictions

    Like countries around the world, South Africa imposed strict social distancing measures to slow the spread of COVID-19. After a few weeks, they’re seeing that slowdown happening and using it to build in additional safety measures, like screening for additional testing, building field hospitals, and sending community health care workers into smaller villages and towns.

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  • New service tasks students to help isolated people during coronavirus

    A new initiative called #Task4Help recruits local university students to deliver groceries and other supplies to people who need to be self-isolated during COVID-19. It was originally started by an app called UniTaskr that posted freelance opportunities for students, but now it has over 10,000 students using the app to help out. One user describes the service as easy to use and delightful.

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  • 'Ghosts' scare Indonesians indoors and away from coronavirus

    Kepuh village in Indonesia is relying on superstition to scare residents into quarantining in defense against the coronavirus. Volunteers are wrapped up in sheets and powdered with white makeup, strolling the streets and scaring people who are still lingering. They are meant to represent “pocong,” the trapped souls of the dead as told in Indonesian folklore. When the first roll-out of the program backfired, they changed tactics and now local residents say that parents and children are following the social distancing guidelines.

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  • How Native Americans Are Fighting a Food Crisis

    Indigenous people across the United States—like the Oglala Sioux on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation—are relying on survival tactics that their ancestors used to get through the COVID-19 pandemic, like seed saving, canning, and dehydrating food. Social distancing isn't as much of an issue as food shortages are in reservations. To pitch in individuals are doing things to help others, like growing crops, preparing seedlings of different crops for people to plant in their yards or donating from their own food reserves to others who might need it. This article highlights responses in reservations across the US.

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  • Hanoi launches a rice dispenser to help underprivileged overcome Covid-19

    A dispenser dubbed "the rice ATM" is providing sustenance for people who are suffering under the effects of the pandemic. From 8 AM to 5 PM every day, citizens stand 6.5 ft apart from each other to receive 3kg of rice a day from the ATM. On the first day they gave 2.3 tons of rice to over 700 people, and they are continuing to service people until the rice runs out. Residents are very happy about the program, with one woman saying that her 3 kg of rice per day can feed her for 4 days.

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