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  • The City That Has Flattened the Coronavirus Curve

    Early data is showing that San Francisco's proactive and aggressive approach to containing the spread of COVID-19 is working. Once regarded as overly aggressive and premature, the mayor's decision to declare a state of emergency and ban gatherings of groups of more than 1,000 people prior to the confirmation of any cases in the area, is now emerging as a model for how to handle a public health crisis.

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  • 12-Step Recovery Programs Adapt in the Age of Social Distancing

    When the size of group gatherings began to be limited to prevent the spread of COVID-19, recovery programs had to rethink how to hold meetings – such as moving groups to online formats. Although there are limitations to not meeting in-person, this format has increased accessibility for many participants and allowed them to join meetings from outside of their typical region.

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  • Gainesville Keeps Some Nature Parks Open, Citing Mental Health Reasons

    As a response to COVID-19, Florida closed its state parks, but in Gainesville, they’ve kept a number of city-owned ones open. Among those open is Sweetwater’s Nature Center, which cites the natural spaces as crucial for exercise and mental health. They’re taking precautions, though – adhering to added protections for workers who don’t feel comfortable working, frequent cleanings, and posting signs along the trail as social distance reminders.

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  • California's coronavirus death toll is way below New York's. Here's why

    Early action to restrict public gatherings and stay-at-home orders may have mitigated surges in COVID-19 cases. In California, the governor’s action to close non-essential businesses and direct residents to stay at home appears to have yielded positive results, affording hospitals sufficient time to increase capacity in the event that cases spike.

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  • Prisons' Use of Solitary Confinement Explodes with the COVID-19 Pandemic, While Advocates Push for Alternatives

    As the COVID-19 pandemic continues on, prisons are having to figure out ways to keep it from spreading across inmate populations. A popular response has been cell lockdowns, drawing criticism from advocacy organizations and judges across the country. Being compared to solitary confinement, which takes extreme physical and mental tolls on individuals, groups like Amend, the Vera Institute, and the United Nations Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture are offering alternative plans that are less punitive while still protecting those experiencing incarceration.

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  • The Ute Mountain Ute tribe has turned its casino into a food distribution hub

    The Ute Mountain Ute people have enacted a number of COVID-19 preventative measures for the tribe. These include implementing a curfew, transforming their casino into a food distribution hub and lodging for first responders, and regularly visiting elders to ensure needs are being met. After transforming the casino, 650 of the tribe’s 2,100 enrolled members signed up to receive assistance.

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  • Glendale Community College's mobile food pantry meets a rising wave of need during pandemic

    California’s Glendale Community College normally operates a food pantry, called Food for Thought Pantry, for its students. Forced to close to slow the spread of COVID-19, it partnered with the Los Angeles Food Bank and the Glendale Community College charitable foundation to create a mobile food pantry for students and their families. Collecting food from farmers, wholesalers, grocers, growers, and distributors, they served a line of over 1,000 vehicles in April.

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  • Did Ohio get it right? Early intervention, preparation for pandemic may pay off.

    By taking prompt action to shut down major tourist events and increase medical treatment capacity, Ohio’s early response to COVID-19 has, thus far, helped to temper the surge of confirmed cases in the state. Governor DeWine and the Cleveland Clinic began to mobilize resources prior to the state's first confirmed case. The Governor also suspended “The Arnold,” a popular fitness exposition in Columbus.

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  • Sweden's government has tried a risky coronavirus strategy. It could backfire.

    Where government restrictions are lax, residents adopt social distancing measures voluntarily to mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. In Sweden, the trust between much of the country’s population and a public health system disinclined to advise for long-term shutdowns at the national level has left residents and businesses to enact social distancing and sheltering measures more gradually. In the long-term, there appears to be a relationship between Sweden’s relatively higher caseload and voluntary containment policies when compared to its neighbors.

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  • How these immigrants are giving back to their new community

    A nonprofit in Tulsa that used to teach immigrant and refugee women sewing skills as a means of income has pivoted to producing masks for the community instead. Even after the quarantine was imposed, the women who had a sewing machine at home coordinated a system with each other to drop off supplies and pick up masks, including creating a Whatsapp group for sewing questions. The process hasn't been perfect yet, and they are still working out the kinks, but voices in the organization describe the impact of being able to give back to one's community.

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