Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • What Parents Can Learn From Child Care Centers That Stayed Open During Lockdowns

    When schools and daycares closed at the onset of the pandemic, YMCA centers around the country remained open to provide care for the children of essential workers. In Phoenix, YMCA staff worked to screen children for symptoms, and made social distancing fun by having them use 'airplane arms,' as well as implementing activities that made handwashing fun. Experts say "these experiences illustrate that it's possible to bring kids together without a guarantee of an outbreak or a serious situation developing," but the risk remains.

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  • COVID-19 Motivates Policy Overhaul For County Jails In Montana

    In response to COVID-19 infection fears, Montana jails rapidly shrank the numbers of pretrial detainees held on nonviolent charges in a demonstration of how quickly a change in policy – without even changing state law – can decrease incarceration rates. Based on numbers like those seen at Missoula County Detention Facility, which dropped its jail population by 37% in March and April by turning away people who ordinarily would have been jailed, decarceration advocates hope to make the changes permanent after studying the effects on crime.

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  • With Families Staying Home, Boston Hospital Takes Pediatric Care on the Road

    In Boston, doctors are making visits to neighborhoods during the coronavirus pandemic in order to provide routine vaccinations to children. Using a donated ambulance as a "mobile pediatrician's office," a nursing team has provided vaccinations as well as food and supplies to approximately 450 families.

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  • Can outdoor teaching enable Italy to safely reopen schools? Audio icon

    Some schools in Italy held trial reopenings after having to close due to the pandemic, and are modeling their new classroom environment after Denmark's "forest schools," where classes are held outside. In order to maintain social distancing, and high safety measures for both students and teachers, students are kept in small groups with assigned zones, and school days have been shortened. More schools across the country are also re-opening slowly and in small groups after seeing the results from the trial run.

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  • How nonprofits are getting people out of metro Detroit jails during COVID-19 pandemic

    Nonprofit bail funds, which use donated money to pay the bail of low-income people held in jail on pending charges, have won the release of about 55 people in Detroit during the COVID-19 crisis. Beyond the immediate need to free more people from an environment that makes social distancing difficult, the bail funds are part of a larger movement challenging a system that disproportionately affects people of color. The combination of bail payments, bond reductions, and administrative releases have reduced Wayne County's jail population by almost half.

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  • Face Masks, Temperature Checks: The New Reality For Summer School Students Audio icon

    Teachers and administrators at schools across Hawaii are adjusting to what it means to teach summer school during the time of coronavirus—and how it'll shape their protocols once fall rolls around. These adjustments include taking students' temperatures, drastically reducing the number of its in-person classroom capacity, and finding ways to equip those students who need equipment to join class online.

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  • #MakeCyclingSafer: In Nairobi and cities around the world Audio icon

    In Nairobi, as in other major cities around the world, the COVID-19 pandemic has shifted travelers away from mass transit to bicycling for social distancing purposes. This presents policy and safety challenges, as many more cyclists use streets designed only for automobiles. But, with benefits extending beyond virus protection to physical fitness and lowering carbon emissions, planners are pushing for cycling lanes and other design changes in hopes that the cycling craze will continue even after the pandemic danger eases.

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  • Why colored paper in a doorway is a key part of Maine tribes' coronavirus response

    In partnership with Wabanaki Public Health, Maine’s federally recognized tribes have implemented a system of communication to use during the coronavirus pandemic that has so far kept reported cases within the region low. The color-coded response system encourages residents to put a yellow, blue, or red paper on their doorstep to communicate their needs, whether it be supplies or conversation. Although some say cases may be undercounted due to hesitancy to visit health care practitioners, in comparison to other tribes across the nation, the local tribes in this region have only reported three cases thus far.

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  • NM jail populations plummet amid joint efforts to avoid COVID-19 outbreak; positive test rates are low

    New Mexico criminal justice officials joined forces to lower local jail populations by one-third in just 11 weeks, a rushed COVID-19 response that not only seems to have prevented widespread illness but also led law enforcement officials to question whether they need to lock up so many people in the future. Prosecutors, police, and county jails arrested fewer people, released low-risk inmates, and suspended “warrant sweeps” and jailing people for technical probation and parole violations. With 27 jails less than half-full, a top prosecutor acknowledged the virus response may turn into standard practice.

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  • How Centre County Correctional Facility has adjusted amid the coronavirus pandemic

    Centre County, Pa., jail officials limited the spread of coronavirus inside its facility with extensive testing of all incarcerated people and staff, isolating those with the virus, barring visitors, and working with a coalition of court and law enforcement agencies to reduce the jail population. The jail, near State College, Pa., took action early with educational sessions and a rigorous cleaning regimen. Re-entry programs stepped up efforts to find housing for those released from the jail, although job prospects for them are bleak.

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