Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The New Abortion Underground

    By working with a nonprofit, Las Libres, in Guanajuato, Mexico, volunteers are helping women access medication for abortions for free. Las Libres organizes the supply chain to get the medication to those in need in abortion-ban states in the United States.

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  • The Post-Roe Abortion Underground

    The nonprofit Las Libres in Guanajuato, Mexico, helps women access medication for abortions for free. By working with volunteers like the Old Hippies of San Miguel de Allende, the organization delivers the medication to distributors in abortion-ban states in the United States.

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  • How one small fire district doubled its staff amid critical first responder shortage

    To combat severe first responder shortages, fire departments in Oregon received state funding for a paid apprentice program in which recruits receive a livable wage while training to make the career a more attractive option.

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  • How Utah can control dust from the Great Salt Lake — and why it will cost lots of money

    To prevent particulate matter air pollution from the dried-out Owens Lakebed, the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power used a myriad of measures including shallow flooding, tillage, laying gravel, and planting managed vegetation.

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  • How This NGO Helps Innocent Inmates Regain Freedom

    The nonprofit Hope Behind Bars provides legal services for free for those who are arbitrarily detained to help them get justice. The organization does their own investigation and represents inmates in court.

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  • How to Hire Remote Workers from Economically Distressed Countries

    iWorker is a virtual assistant agency that connects bilingual professionals from economically troubled countries like Venezuela to businesses in the US, Europe, and Canada. By connecting workers with these jobs, the platform not only provides them with an income, it ensures that the income will be paid in a foreign currency more stable than their own, helping the recipients manage surging rates of inflation. Since 2018, iWorker has provided work to over 4,500 Venezuelans inside and outside of the country.

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  • Record Heat Waves And Droughts Can't Dry Up This Native Garden In Phoenix

    To tend their urban garden in extreme heat, the healthcare clinic Native Health of Phoenix partners with two nonprofits, Keep Phoenix Beautiful and the Salt River Project, to use flood irrigation techniques built on Huhugam agricultural practices and canals. Every other week during the hottest months 1,600 gallons of water flow through the garden and drain out.

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  • Italijos provincijos mokytojo revoliucija: savivaldybėje perpus mažiau atliekų ir net 87 proc. jų išrūšiuojama

    Naujai statomas kvartalas netoli Antverpeno gyventojus aprūpina tvaria ir šiuo metu pigesne, nei esanti rinkoje. energija - dalis jos yra perkama iš gretimai esančios gamyklos, kuri - jei neturėtų, kur tos energijos dėti - tiesiog išmestų ją į orą, kita dalis - iš atsinaujinančių energijos šaltinių. Tai pasiekta gyventojams susibūrus į šilumos kooperatyvą, keliantį tikslą investuoti į atsinaujinančią energetiką ir pirkti tik perteklinę energiją iš gamyklų.

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  • Effort aims to streamline services for Tucson crime survivors

    One-stop hubs that include multiple services and resources for survivors of family and interpersonal violence, like the one in Richmond, California, simplify the process for survivors and keep them from having to tell their stories over and over again.

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  • Nuo ūkininkavimo šlapioje pelkėje iki anglies kaupimo: Vokietija ieško būdų, kurie leistų uždirbti iš atkurtų pelkių

    Perėjimas iš sausinimu grįsto žemės ūkio į pelnininkystę užtikrina prarastos ekosistemos atkūrimą ir mažesnį anglies dvideginio išmetimą. Tai pavyko viename Vokietijos ekspertimentiniame ūkyje, kuris, nors dar nėra pelningas, bet gali tapti ateities ūkininkavimo modeliu ir ūkiais, kurie augins biokurą ar šiltinimo bei statybų medžiagas, o tai aktualu, nes Vokietija užsibrėžusi atkurti nemažą dalį iš 94 proc. visų nusausintų savo pelkynų.

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