Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Baylor officials open up about extensive Title IX reform

    In the aftermath of multiple sexual assault incidents, Baylor University has moved toward turning what was once a culture of avoidance into a culture of accountability. The university has increased the staff, funding, and resources devoted to its Title IX office, including a new website for students to report incidents. Furthermore, the university promotes ongoing education and awareness among both its students and athletes with programs that promote healthy relationships.

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  • Oregon's unique Title IX reporting policy gives autonomy to students

    Confidential points of contact allow victims to reach out about Title IX violations and sexual assault on their own terms. Following multiple incidents involving members of its basketball team, the University of Oregon has reconfigured its approach to Title IX with new policies that give victims control over when an incident is reported. The broader Title IX program defines expectations and sets norms surrounding sexual harassment and consent through educational programs, digital resources, a student hotline, and the designation of individuals as confidential points of contact.

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  • Surfing the Divide

    Surfing lessons are bridging racial divides and providing a therapeutic outlet for disadvantaged children in South Africa. In a society largely segregated by race, children in Cape Town’s black communities disproportionately suffer the traumatic effects of violence and poverty. Waves for Change, a nonprofit based in Muizenberg, uses surf therapy as a way to mentor and empower kids in Cape Town, helping to desegregate South Africa’s beach and surf culture in the process.

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  • LiveWellFit's Golden Girls program to help senior citizens exercise safely

    A program called Live Well Fit in Amarillo, Texas runs a fitness and exercise class for senior citizens, whom they call golden girls. The women in the class, whose ages range from 50 to 85, can work out using bikes, weights, and aerobics in a fun and safe atmosphere. The program serves a population that often does not have many fitness opportunities.

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  • Interested In Biking More, But Scared By Busy Streets? There's A New Kind Of Map For You

    With community support from a network of neighborhood volunteers and financial support from a local business, the Bike Streets Project makes biking more accessible for those “interested, but concerned” about road safety. The Bike Streets Project maps bicycle routes in Denver with less congestion, specifically avoiding areas of high congestion or dangerous roads marked by “sharrows.”

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  • Fighting Weight: Eastside Boxing keeps youth off the streets

    By taking up boxing, Michigan’s youth learn to diffuse violence and cope with their stressors. Kalamazoo Eastside Boxing provides structure, mentorship, and a social outlet for disadvantaged and troubled youth across Michigan. In addition to keeping young people off of the streets, being a part of the boxing club helps to improve their sense of self-worth.

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  • Bonaire: Where Coral and Cactus Thrive, and the Sea Soothes the Soul

    Bonaire's coral reef is one of the few in the world that is thriving, rather than dying. Thanks to a combination of local efforts, such as reef maintenance and restoration as well as rules that limit fishermen and divers, the reef is proving to be a model for other regions that are struggling.

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  • Battling concussions: Solving a funding puzzle

    Oregon school districts are looking to Hawaii school districts to learn the best ways to implement athletic trainers into high school athletics programs across the state. Although there are many obstacles to overcome that primarily center on funding strategies, Hawaii provides a model of how to increase safety from the sidelines.

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  • Battling concussions: Where's the trainer?

    In Oregon, school are required by law to remove a child from play if they have been concussed, but not all schools have athletic trainers to assess the situation. Although it's still up to each individual school district to make the decision about hiring athletic trainers, the schools that have chosen to do so, have found success through creating partnerships.

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  • Resurrecting the Greenback, Take Two

    Fish conservation, in the rural streams of the Western United States, requires a remarkable amount of ongoing human intervention. Take the greenback cutthroat trout, Colorado's state fish. The greenback is bred in labs as part of a delicate effort to restore it to its native habitat. But in the wake of a 30 year conservation misstep, due to mistaken identity, scientists are undecided on the best path forward.

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