Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Teen-run project provides virtual activities, tutoring for kids during the pandemic

    Two teens from Los Angeles created a tutoring program to help supplement education during the pandemic, called the “Covid NineTeen Project.” The project is entirely teen run, from the creators to the mentors. More than 250 tutors provide service to more than 800 elementary schools across 11 countries. “If we were able to achieve this as teenagers in our community, this is something that you can set up on the local level in your community, as well."

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  • The New York City Schools That Didn't Close

    In New York City, “regional enrichment centers,” or schools for the children of essential workers, popped up. The centers provided a place where workers, who couldn’t take care of their kids when schools shut down during the pandemic, could send their children to. Nurses, administrators, and officials quickly created a network of these centers. “It was people who were willing to put themselves at risk in order to serve the city. They were just, like, ‘People need us, so we’re here.’” Fourteen thousand families registered to send their children to one of the 93 centers.

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  • Nice White Parents: We Know It When We See It

    A Brooklyn school district has changed the zoning and middle school admission process to racially integrate schools and level the playing field. White children previously gained admission to schools with the most resources based on impressive grades and extracurricular activities. The new system is based on a lottery and can not screen students for test results or attendance. Black and Latino families have been demanding change since 1950, but this change was a result of the efforts of white parents. Critics question whether the motive was equality or anger over too many white kids kept out of good schools.

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  • Flint Community Schools is Going Door to Door to Find Hard-to-Reach Students

    Staff from Flint Community Schools are taking a more door-to-door approach to find the close to 1,500 students who have not yet started attending virtual school when the fall semester started. FCS assembled "wellness teams" made up "social workers, behavioral specialists, nurses, and paraprofessionals" and sent them to neighborhoods with mapped routes to walk around neighborhoods and find students and their families, as well as help identify needs to assist with including food assistance, wi-fi hotspots, and other individual needs.

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  • The simple intervention that could lift kids out of ‘Covid slide'

    Tutoring has a longstanding reputation of being an effective measure in helping students stay on-track with their school subjects, but it also costs money. Schools around the U.S. are considering ways to stretch their budgets to extend tutoring to as many students as possible. Increasing group numbers per tutor, using stipend-funded volunteers, and non-certified teachers rather than certified tutors, and making tutoring a class-time activity are some of the ways schools could help support students and avoid learning losses, while taking limited budgets into account.

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  • From Settlement to University

    The Romani Education Fund in Slovakia is helping children from the Roma community, which has a history of social and economic disadvantages as well as being subject to ethnic discrimination, overcome challenges to finish high school and pursue higher education. The REF works by providing qualifying students with a stipend to pay for educational supplies, as well as providing school guidance and personal mentorship to help both students and parents overcome the social hurdles that impede the student's desire or ability to fulfill their potential.

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  • The Kearns model: Helping youths by teaching parents

    In an effort to stem drug and substance abuse, Utah's Salt Lake City county is reaching out proactively to parents with courses and parenting programs. By arming parents with the tools to talk with their children and navigate tricky situations, the county is hoping to reduce the county's high reported usage rates.

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  • Daring to Be Different in Czechia

    In some regions of Czechia, “one in 10 children fails to advance to the next grade.” Every year 2,000 students drop out. One school in the town of Trmice doesn’t have this problem. The school has low dropout rates and the number of students going on to university keeps growing. Their model of empathy, understanding, avoiding punishment, and establishing deep-rooted relationships with families and students is working. “To react with understanding.” “Trmice’s success depends on two things: good communication with families and work with the teaching staff.”

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  • Coronavirus kindness: South Bay teens create tutor network for hundreds of students

    Upon seeing a need for educational resources to support the out of school transition due to the COVID-19 outbreak, two high school seniors in the San Jose area stepped up to fill that gap. Sarika Sriram and Uditha Velidandla coordinated 90 volunteers to offer free tutoring in a range of school subjects. So far, over 350 students have benefitted from these comprehensive online learning sessions.

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  • Has one of the Valley's poorest districts figured out how to keep kids in school?

    A school attendance campaign in a rural California district relies on buy-in from a variety of community partners. For instance, administrators supported the construction of a new health clinic next to the school, concentrating multiple key resources on one block and making it easier for parents to access health care for their children.

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