Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Making it Work: Agriculture in India and Kenya

    Farmers play a vital role in the health of people around the world, yet often are not financially compensated in a sustainable way to survive. Entrepreneurs in India are attempting to shift this reality by introducing start ups that help low income farmers bring in a consistent income.

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  • Catching food security in a dipnet

    In Alaska, transitioning from sport fishing to dipnetting, a practice that allows a much higher limit for the amount of fish that can be caught, has resulted in a sustainable food supply for some families. Although not without limitation, such as the distance and expense of getting to the coastal areas necessary, the results have caught the eyes of researchers in the subsistence division at the Alaska Department of Fish and Game.

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  • A Cheap Fix for Climate Change? Pay People Not to Chop Down Trees

    In a randomized experiment in western Uganda, scientists demonstrated the effectiveness of paying rural farmers not to chop down trees since deforestation contributes to CO2 emissions worldwide. They studied for two years the declines in forest cover between a control group (no payment) and the participant group (paid). Building on a United Nations project in which wealthy nations pay poorer ones in an attempt to equalize the costs of responding to climate change, the outcome of the project proves the existence of a low-cost environmental policy solution to stemming rising global temperatures.

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  • Land-conflict mediation in the Great Lakes region

    In the Great Lakes region of Africa, land disputes can escalate to violence. Subsistence agriculture is the dominant source of income, making land precious, and as populations increase and refugees return home, property rights are not always clear. Search for Common Ground is reducing violence by training mediators to find peaceful ways of resolving these high-stakes conflicts.

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  • Earth's Table, Community Food Share help families in need find fresh produce

    For many food banks, the majority of the donations they receive are non-perishable goods, cans of food and other leftovers. Earth's Table grows produce for food banks in Boulder Colorado on privately-owned land that's been donated for the cause.

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  • Kenyans turn to camels to cope with climate change

    In agricultural communities across Kenya, global warming has led local farmers to turn to camels -- as an alternative to cows -- for dairy products both to feed their families and take to the local markets to sell. Furthermore, with an uptick in demand both regionally and nationally for camel milk, farmers are finding themselves with new purchasing power for various goods and services.

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  • America's First All-Renewable-Energy City

    Burlington, Vermont counts itself as America's first all-renewable city, satisfying its energy needs through a combination of sustainably harvested pine and timber wood chips, hydroelectricity, four wind turbines, and a solar panel array near the local airport. Aside from the environmental benefit of renewable energy, the city has seen other benefits in the form of cheaper energy costs and healthy, locally-grown food.

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  • This Slaughterhouse Will Let You Watch What Actually Happens Inside

    As skepticism increases around the health of consuming meat products due to inhumane ways the animals are being reared and raised, this Vermont packinghouse is embracing transparency by letting the public see all. From tours of the facility to learning how the animal was raised and later killed, this slaughterhouse is trying to change the narrative around the secrecy behind the meat on your table.

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  • Can Fruit Save Our Food Waste Problem?

    Los Angeles-based nonprofit Food Forward was born out of the observation that many farmers are growing more fruit than they can sell at market. To cut down on food waste and get these viable fruits into the hands of people that are food insecure, Food Forward operates as the "transfer point between donors and receiving agencies," while also coordinating volunteers to forage the local farms and farmers markets.

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  • From the roof to the living room, startups tackle urban farming

    Farmland is expensive and scarce in urban areas. In Boston Higher Ground Farm uses green roofs to grow its produce and Grove Lab has designed a cabinet for people to grow their vegetables indoors.

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