Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Journalist Changes Rural Women's Story With Mushroom Farming

    The Simbula Ventures Initiative unites women from various communities and teaches them how to grow mushrooms. The Initiative teaches the women how to grow mushrooms with agricultural waste, yielding a harvest in about 18-21 days. The women can then use the mushrooms to cook for their families or sell them to make a profit, providing them with a sense of economic empowerment.

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  • Farmers in rural Zimbabwe use a mobile financial management service application tool to monitor their business profits

    Biztrack is a mobile financial management application that helps farmers keep track of their business information and finances with ease. It records information on deals, sales, and general performance and has since been downloaded by more than 47 area farmers. The app also allows farmers to store the data in a safe, easily accessible place, as opposed to traditional bookkeeping.

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  • Union Health Plan Provides Much-Needed Safety Net

    The Robert F. Kennedy Farm Workers Medical Plan makes healthcare for union workers more affordable and accessible, providing workers with a much-needed safety net. The RFK plan covers about 3,000 members of the United Farm Workers — which consists of about 7,500 people, including spouses and children.

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  • As Temperatures Rise, Farms Are Sprouting in Alaska

    Alaska usually imports most of its food, but due to supply chain issues and climate change making the growing season longer, more small farms are popping up in The Last Frontier state. While the number of U.S. farms has decreased between 2007 and 2017, Alaska saw them increase by 44 percent. With their farming boom, residents are becoming more sustainable on their own crops rather than relying on global food systems.

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  • How India's Farmers Launched a Movement Against Modi's Farm Bills—and Won

    Protests among farmers in India led to the repeal of farm laws – passed in the midst of COVID-19 shutdowns – that privileged corporate interests over the livelihood of farmers. In some states, farm union members blocked railroads, prevented the collection of toll taxes on roads, and blocked gas stations, shopping malls, and warehouses owned by corporations that benefited from the laws. Throughout the protests anywhere from 50,000 to 700,000 farmers camped out blocking strategic infrastructure. The sustained protests, and the widespread support among people, led the government to withdraw the laws.

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  • Fresh and Local

    Slovak farmers meet increasingly sophisticated demand by growing tomatoes with a flavor that can’t be imported. Greenhouse-grown tomatoes serve as a good example of how modern-day Slovak farmers are using the latest technology to bring produce to the market with taste rivaling that of home-grown.

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  • How Nigerian farmers are fighting climate change smart

    Some Nigerian farmers are combating the harmful effects of climate change by turning towards more sustainable farming like greenhouse farming, integrated agriculture, sack or bag farming, and hydroponic farming. Although those methods come with their unique set of challenges, they are seeing positive results.

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  • How community saves vulnerable children from hunger, malnutrition

    The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated hunger and malnutrition of vulnerable children by crippling livelihoods and orphaning children. Two communities have responded by donating land solely devoted to growing crops to tackle hunger and malnutrition in orphans and vulnerable children. Aside from giving crops directly to families to feed children, the volunteers who work the land also sell part of each harvest to raise money for other nutritious food for the children. Part of the crops are also used to make a nutrition powder that helps ensure children are receiving the nutrients they need.

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  • Farm cooperatives allow Latinos to grow and sell food on their own terms

    Tierra Fertil Coop in Henderson County, North Carolina is helping the Latino community in the area grow their own food. Residents are able to keep what they grow at no cost, tend to their gardens and build community. The coop also operates as a business by selling excess fruits and vegetables at local markets.

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  • Nyamagabe: With a fund from Government of more than Rwf 1.2 billion for this year, stunting is being reduced

    A comprehensive initiative to reduce stunting in children caused by malnutrition and poverty is seeing positive results in Rwanda. The government has provided food, frequent health assessments, and has also encouraged families to plant vegetable gardens.

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