Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Treatment Courts Adapt to Meet Challenges

    New Hampshire's court system has found ways to improve treatment services for at least some people with substance and mental health problems, despite a lack of adequate resources. The state's problem-solving courts have improvised workarounds to the resources challenges, providing a recovery coach to defendants with substance-misuse disorder and using trauma-informed practices in drug and mental health treatment courts. One example: female trauma survivors facing criminal charges do not appear in court in front of a crowd of men, making them more open to asking for and getting help.

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  • Piece of the Puzzle: Drug Courts Expand Across State

    The New Hampshire Drug Court system – helping individuals find rehabilitation rather than prison – has proven to be a success and expanded to counties across the state. The court follows best practices from the National Association of Drug Court Professionals, but also adapts each court to fit the needs of each local community. Since its creation in 2004, over 400 people have graduated from its programming – over 50 percent of its participants.

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  • The Doorway is open in NH, and hundreds are walking in

    Thanks to a federal grant, New Hampshire has implemented a “hub-and-spoke program” that connects those facing addiction problems with resources to help them. Acting as a single access point, the organization takes walk-ins and phone calls and offers screenings, assessments and referrals.

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  • NH recovery centers model how to treat recovering employees

    When people begin treatment for addiction, it can impact how they are viewed as an employee at their place of work. New Hampshire is working to change this stigma through the Recovery Friendly Workplace initiative that focuses on seeing treatment as a strength rather than weakness and also builds in practices to the workplace environment including trainings and evidence-based health and safety practices.

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  • Facing opioid and foster-care crisis, Spokane's Rising Strong seeks to keep families together

    Keeping families together eases the burden on the foster care system and reduces issues such as homelessness and substance abuse in the long term. Former foster children in Spokane, Washington, end up relying heavily upon other social welfare institutions throughout their lives. To break this cycle, Rising Strong, a program funded largely by a philanthropic contribution, focuses on rebuilding families while addressing behavior issues through an intensive, live-in program.

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  • In effort to prevent overdose deaths, state plans to put ‘NaloxBoxes' in public buildings

    As states continue to tackle a nationwide opioid crisis, one tactic that is being tried is making treatments of overdoses more accessible. By installing boxes containing the overdose reversal drug naloxone in public places, the state of Maine hopes to not only save lives, but also decrease stigma and increase communication.

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  • Mass. prisons start offering medication to treat addiction

    Newly passed legislation in Massachusetts is allowing prisons to take a step towards managing inmates health care by letting a third party company administer medication that helps treat opioid addiction. This step towards bridging the gap between punishment and help, also focuses on reducing racial inequalities and rates of addiction-caused deaths.

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  • Santa Cruz Girls Build Violence Free Lives

    In Santa Cruz, Costa Rica, the organization Cepia has started Girls Clubs in nine different neighborhoods and are teaching young girls, ages 8-12 about female empowerment, safety, and how to report crimes. In the area, violence against women is common, which is something these Girls Clubs is hoping to prevent. The clubs have reached over 650 girls and is now developing a program for boys, to teach them about positive masculinity.

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  • Those battling substance use disorders face challenge with getting medication

    In Vermont, increased access to medication-assisted treatment for those experiencing opioid addictions has helped decrease the stigma around receiving treatment and has also shown to be a successful strategy for treatment retention. This hub and spoke model has the potential to work in other states, however, the doctor who created the system says that it "is now self-sustaining because of the way the state funded it initially."

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  • Denver Health's ‘Treatment On Demand' Wants To Fast Track Addiction Help In The ER

    Nationwide, the United States is seeing a widespread addiction to opioid use. To combat addiction in Denver, Colorado the city is piloting a program that administers buprenorphine to combat addiction in conjunction with biopsychosocial assessments conducted by therapists.

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