Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Number of military suicides still high, but help is on the rise

    Military suicides has grown dramatically in recent years, and new programs are trying to educate and reduce the stigma of confronting mental health. A new 10-day intensive outpatient program has been implemented as well as other programs and resources.

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  • The California Doctors Who Found a Way to Quit Overprescribing Opioids

    In 2009 Kaiser Permanente doctors, alarmed by the rising rate of opioids being prescribed to patients, decided to develop a set of strategies and lower painkiller prescriptions. The most difficult one, is talking to patients about the dangers of opiods. He “developed what he calls The Difficult Pain Conversation—and he presented his approach to many other doctors.” So far, its had an effect. Prescriptions dropped from “from 2,500 a month to almost zero.”

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  • Baltimore turns to a life-saving opioid overdose antidote, but it's no cure for the crisis

    In Maryland, people are being trained to administer naloxone, the drug that can save people from an opioid overdose, in order to combat the opioid crisis. Some people are even trained on street corners. Already 20,000 people have been trained, and more states are following suit.

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  • Mothers in Charge grads exchange prison uniforms for caps and gowns

    A program in Philadelphia works with formerly incarcerated women for an intensive 10-week period where they focus on life skills and changing thought patterns. Women get support and mentoring to examine how they wound up in prison, such as addressing past abuse that undermined their self-esteem. They go through a formal graduation program and learn ways to face challenges as they work to change their lives.

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  • Can Magic Mushrooms Cure Addiction?

    A mixture of intense therapy and the use of psilocybin—‘magic mushrooms’—has been successful with helping people break nicotine addictions. While many therapies only treat surface symptoms, psilocybin—administered in a controlled environment—seems to have beneficial impacts on brain functioning that eliminate the drivers of addiction.

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  • Rehab for mothers - and their children - allows them to recover together

    For women in traditional rehab centres, choosing treatment means leaving their children behind. Family House NOW (New Options for Women), is a residential treatment center in Philadelphia that allows women to live with their children, benefitting both the women and the children.

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  • How Iceland Got Teens to Say No to Drugs

    Researchers in Iceland were able to cut youth drug and alcohol consumption substantially through a new set of laws and after school programs. Now there are curfews for children and stricter drugs and alcohol age limits. Schools must have organizations that communicate with parents. The group, Youth in Iceland, can prove the efficacy of its work through scrupulous survey-taking.

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  • Injecting Drugs, Under a Watchful Eye

    America is facing an epidemic of overdose deaths from opioids. Giving users a supervised place and clean needles increases use of treatment and saves lives, though it is a controversial response.

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  • Iceland knows how to stop teen substance abuse but the rest of the world isn't listening

    In Iceland,the relationship between people and the state has allowed an effective national programme to reduce teen consumption of alcohol and drugs. The program identifies youth that are likely to abuse drugs and offers them physically challenging after-school activities that can reduce anxiety or provide a rush, such as dance classes and martial arts, along with curfews and parent education.

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  • In Plymouth County, a drug program finds success tackling the opioid crisis head on

    In Plymouth County, a program called Project Outreach is tackling the opioid epidemic by partnering with rehabilitation facilities and law enforcement. They are targeting people when they are still in the hospital after an overdose and offering them treatment options. If a person refuses treatment, a police officer and a rehabilitation specialist will still visit them within 24 hours to give the person more information and attempt to convince them to seek treatment, even if that doesn't mean going into an inpatient treatment facility.

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