Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Portugal: Drug Decriminalisation

    By decriminalizing drug possession, Portugal removed a barrier preventing addicts from reaching out for help. The country treats drug use as a public health concern, offering free rehabilitation services and a needle exchange program. Although social taboos persist, drug-related deaths and HIV infection rates are at all-time lows.

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  • Medicines to Keep Addiction Away

    A battery of drugs, some new and some long known, have been proven to give addicts support in staying off drugs and alcohol after rehab.

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  • Searching for Solutions as Heroin Claims 10,000 Lives

    What changes in U.S. policy can help contain the heroin crisis? For answers, we turn to Mark Kleiman, a professor of public policy and director of the Crime Reduction and Justice Initiative at New York University’s Marron Institute, who discusses the advantages of different treatments and approaches.

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  • Staying Sober After Treatment Ends

    Increasingly, continuing care for addicts in recovery means more than handing them a list of A.A. meetings when they leave rehab, as caretakers develop and learn to use apps and video chat to check in on their patients.

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  • It Took 20 Years For The Government To Pay For An Obvious Way To Prevent HIV

    After years of seeing evidence that needle exchange programs helped prevent the spread of HIV, Congress finally lifted its ban on federal funding for groups that provide the service.

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  • The Fix (2015)

    Drugs like Naltrexone have shown a 78 percent success rate in reducing heavy drinking. However, only one percent of alcohol users ever get prescribed medication. Despite that some alcoholics are treating their illness with medication, and are saying that medication is helping them treat their addiction and reduce their cravings.

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  • Poverty's Price: Child exposure to ‘toxic stress' a key link to behavior, learning problems

    A program in eastern North Carolina takes a proven, two-generation approach to lift struggling families out of dire circumstances.

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  • Drug may give those leaving jail a better shot at recovery

    An epidemic of opioid use in Massachusetts resulted in more than 1,200 fatal overdoses last year. Authorities turned to Vivitrol injections, which make a drug-induced high impossible, to cut rates of both addiction and incarceration.

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  • Decriminalizing Drugs: When Treatment Replaces Prison

    Portugal has gone perhaps the farthest in decriminalizing drug use. It hasn't stopped drug usage, but it has reduced deaths, the spread of H.I.V., drug crime, and imprisonment.

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  • 'Housing First' Is Helping Female Vets Stabilize

    The VA has shifted its approach to ending homelessness among veterans. Now, a place to live--more than drug treatment or mental health counseling--is considered the starting point for helping a soldier who is struggling to cope with life after discharge.

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