Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • After losing father, activist leads fight against farmer suicide

    In a country where 16,000 or more farmers die from suicide, Kiranjit Kaur founded Kisan Mazdoor Khudkushi Peedit Parivar Committee to support families of suicide victims in India. After her own father took his life after failing to pay off crippling debt, Kaur's support group records information on the families' sources of income, and the status of land ownership and debt in order to help them access government schemes such as pensions and scholarships.

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  • ‘Our youngest we lost was nine.' Austin ISD police home in on mental health

    The Austin school district credits its crisis intervention police officers, trained in deescalation in mental health emergencies, with contributing to a level of care that defused a student-suicide crisis. Six students ended their lives in the 2017-18 school year, while none did the following year. Teaming up with counselors, the police deal both with parents and students in seeking better mental health care for them rather than turning crises into arrests and punishment. On the dozens of campuses where such care has been emphasized, even test scores are up.

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  • The Biggest Police Department In The US Has A Suicide Crisis. Another Department Thinks They Have An Answer.

    California’s Los Angeles Police Department has built mental health into its force. The department has 16 psychologists on staff, offering free counseling and debrief sessions after traumatic incidents. As the New York Police Department faces an increase in officer suicides, it looks to the LAPD as it rolls out its new suicide prevention initiatives, like a mental health app, mental health insurance, and access to counseling.

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  • How a Customized Approach Can Cut Suicide Risk

    Individuals at a high risk of suicide can benefit from targeted, accessible, and client-centered care. As part of a new mental health initiative, the Czech government is funding mental health centers for patients at high risk of suicide. The target prevention includes care teams consisting of psychiatrists, nurses, and social workers, all involved in different aspects of the client’s care.

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  • Každý nepatří do léčebny. Jak péče na míru pomáhá snižovat počet sebevražd

    Lidem, u kterých je vysoké riziko sebevraždy, může pomoct cílená péče na míru. V rámci reformy psychiatrie v Česku vznikají státem financovaná Centra duševního zdraví, která se zaměřují na cílenou, přístupnou a na klienta zaměřenou psychiatrickou a psychologickou péči. Centra zaměstnávají nejen psychiatry a zdravotní sestry, ale též sociální pracovníky, kteří jsou zapojeni do různých aspektů léčby člověka s duševním onemocněním. Klíčový je vztah s klientem, který s lékařem spolupracuje a spolurozhoduje o typu léčby. Služba zatím není v Česku moc známá a pomoc se tak nedostane ke všem, kteří ji potřebují.

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  • Social Media for...Good?

    After providing emotional support to peers who were struggling with suicidal thoughts, a college student in Philadelphia created a Twitter group "to prevent suicide and raise awareness for mental health." Although not a replacement for professional help, the Buddy Project has provided support for 230,000 people worldwide and raised $36,000 for mental health and recovery centers.

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  • Finally, an Intervention That Might Have Helped Keep High-Risk Teens Alive

    To prevent suicide amongst youth, research has shown that there's a simple strategy to get people the supports they need: training the adults in their lives on how to recognize warning signs and provide help. While the research is still preliminary, it highlights one more intervention technique to prevent teen suicide by helping youth in recovery stick to their treatment plans.

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  • 'A tidal wave of problems': texting on the mental health frontline

    Communicating with volunteers via text message can be less intimating for young people than dialing a hotline. Mental Health Innovations, a UK-based charity, operates the Shout text hotline. The service is part of an initiative supported by the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge mental health campaign. Those suffering from depression, anxiety, or suicidal thoughts can simply text the resource to connect with a volunteer.

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  • Nurse Suicides: Talk To A Colleague

    Creating a more compassionate working environment helps lead clinicians suffering from depression, trauma, or burnout, to seek care. The University of California San Diego’s medical system has piloted several approaches. Code Lavender encourages small acts of intentional kindness toward co-workers. Caregiver Support Teams identify peer mentors that can provide emotional support and help struggling colleagues.

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  • Washington State Debuts Unique Tool to Reduce Gun Suicides

    In Washington, state legislators have passed an innovative measure that would allow individuals to suspend their own gun rights. The bill was started as a proactive measure for those experience mental health issues to be able to prevent themselves from harming themselves in the future. While they’re still working on publicizing the new measure, those that do know about it simply have to fill out a short form at any count clerk’s office – the rest is taken care of within 24 hours.

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