Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Del concreto al bolsillo: Descubre cómo cosecharon hasta $30 semanales entre los edificios en Zacamil.

    Para luchar contra el alza de precios de los alimentos, Micelio Suburbano construye huertas para comunidades en espacios urbanos. Los voluntarios que trabajan en las huertas reciben comida para alimentar a sus casas, y así pueden ahorrar dinero.

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  • Mekong shrimp farmers less keen to share space with mangroves

    Farmers in Vietnam use integrated shrimp-mangrove ponds to produce organic shrimp for a higher profit while preserving endangered native mangroves. When practicing traditional shrimp farming, the mangrove forests would be cleared but leaving the trees near the water provides nutrients and breeding grounds for the shrimp.

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  • Resource-rich countries find it pays to pay landholders to protect their land

    Guatemala’s reforestation programs pay farmers to keep their lands forested instead of clearing them for farming. The annual $380 payment each participant receives for 5 to 10 years comes from the general taxes collected by the government.

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  • Start-ups see sustainable future in seaweed farming

    Companies are beginning to grow offshore seaweed for human consumption as a protein option that’s better for the environment. Growing seaweed on ropes in the ocean is less land-intensive, sequesters carbon, and doesn’t require fertilizer or pesticides.

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  • Zai Pits Providing Food Security Amidst Adverse Climate Change in Kibwezi

    Farmers in Kenya are digging pits — called Zai Pits — re-filling them with soil mixed with manure and planting maize seeds in them. This practice allows the farmers to have successful harvests during droughts with minimal rainfall.

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  • Indigenous-led farm, Tea Creek, leads the way in food sovereignty

    Tea Creek is a holistic approach to food sovereignty and economic development that provides community, trades training and land preservation, with an emphasis on reaching indigenous people. Tea Creek also provides a Food Sovereignty Training Program that includes courses in horticulture, carpentry, first aid, and more that graduated 108 people in 2021.

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  • Solution story on enabling food security in the barracks

    Families of Nigerian soldiers faced hunger, when the soldiers were deployed longer than expected and unable to send home money. So, they organized and worked together to farm and grow their own food.

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  • How Floating Farms Are Helping Bangladesh Adapt to Climate Change

    Farmers in Barisal, Bangladesh, are returning to the traditional practice of growing crops on rafts to adapt to frequent floods and rising sea levels. The floating gardens made from woven water hyacinth have a layer of manure on top.

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  • California's Methane Climate Solution Rewards Dairy Gas. Other States Take a Harder Line.

    California pays farmers to turn cow manure into biogas in an effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Harvested in various ways, the gas collected from the waste is used to power farms.

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  • The Indian Farmers Battling Climate Change With 10,000-year-old Emmer Wheat

    Farmers in India are turning back to growing traditional, ancient grains like emmer wheat for reliable harvests because it can withstand extreme climate-related weather conditions.

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