Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • What could $1 billion do for Puerto Rico's energy resilience? Residents have ideas.

    Community-led energy projects are improving access to electricity for Puerto Ricans. One such project, led by a cooperative in Castañer, established two microgrids with backup batteries to keep the power running after an outage.

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  • Philippine tribe boosts livelihoods and conservation with civet poop coffee

    Members of the B’laan ethnic group in a community in the Philippines are improving their livelihoods by foraging for coffee beans excreted by wild palm civets. They can sell the beans at a premium price because they are used to make a luxury coffee brew. And the practice encourages the locals to protect the wild animals, which benefits the ecosystem, too.

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  • These Farmers Recharged their Groundwater by Catching California's Atmospheric Rivers

    Farmers in California are taking advantage of recent heavy rainfall by intentionally flooding their fields to restore the underground aquifers after years of drought.

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  • From scarcity to abundance: The secret of the 'peace farmers' of Colombia

    La Cosmopolitana Foundation in Colombia offers courses that teach people to live in harmony with each other and nature. The classes focus on sustainability and helping rural communities to work together to create circular economies. Small fees make the classes largely accessible.

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  • ‘It's about Healing the Earth:' How Nebraskans are Building Sustainable Farms Through Biodynamics

    Biodynamic farming is slowly spreading across the United States as a practice that improves the health of a farm’s ecosystem by creating a sustainable system that uses its waste to generate its energy. This way of farming also involves practices like crop rotation, cover cropping, and eliminating the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

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  • Rice Insurance helping Rwandan Farmers Overcome Climate-Induced Losses

    Rwanda’s National Agriculture Insurance Scheme helps farmers access financial protection for their crops to provide income security in the face of climate change events that can ruin harvests.

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  • In Brazil, 'bioeconomy' initiatives offer hope of a less destructive future

    Conexsus provides financial, technical, and mentorship support to cooperatives and small producers in the Amazon rainforest with the goal of shifting investment and resources to sustainable “bioeconomies” often managed by Indigenous communities. One such cooperative, Coopatrans, has been able to improve its relationships with farmers thanks to credit from Conexsus assuring payments can be made on time.

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  • In Malawi, female fish traders mobilise against transactional sex

    A women’s cooperative in Malawi empowers women to diversify their incomes by selling a variety of produce instead of relying only on selling fish. The women in the collective split the proceeds and buy fish in groups to combat increasing sex-for-fish requests from fishermen.

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  • How Water Pans are transforming food production in Siaya

    Communities in Siaya are excavating water pans to store runoff from the rainy season for agricultural and household use during droughts. The pans are dug in clay soil, and their size and depth are determined based on community needs.

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  • Can regenerative wool make fashion more sustainable?

    The fashion brand Sheep Inc sources regenerative wool for its clothing products and claims to be carbon-negative. The regenerative farming practices used to make the wool are similar to what would happen naturally, the sheep graze across different grasslands, allowing unused ones to rewild using the manure as fertilizer. On top of that, the farm itself runs on renewable energy and supports native reforestation and the fashion brand uses solar power and a plastic-free supply chain.

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