Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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    The River Basin Authority, which selects a few locations each year to provide potable water and sanitation interventions, completed development projects in Igbo that improved the community’s quality of life. To facilitate agricultural use of the vast land in the community, the authority constructed an access road to help farmers take their produce from their farms to local markets, where they can sell them to make a sustainable living. They also provided irrigation access and solar-powered boreholes to provide potable water, reducing the risk of water-borne diseases like cholera.

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  • When Dangerous Strains of Salmonella Hit, the Turkey Industry Responded Forcefully. The Chicken Industry? Not So Much.

    The turkey and chicken industries have struggled with salmonella outbreaks that are more virulent and less responsive to antibiotics. The turkey industry responded immediately, forming a task force to study and fight the strain, vaccinating breeding flocks, setting up better barn sanitation, and making changes in processing plants to reduce cross-contamination. The chicken industry’s response has been slow and not transparent, and as a result it continues to spread and make people sick. On the other hand, 73% fewer turkeys are found to have the bacteria and reports of people getting sick have fallen by 65%.

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  • Rooftop farm partners with Oakland nonprofits to address food insecurity

    The Rooftop Medicine Farm in Oakland, Calif., grows fresh produce to donate to food insecurity programs such as the UCSF Pediatric Clinic’s Food Farmacy, POOR Magazine’s Sliding Scale Cafe, and Moms 4 Housing. The urban farm also acts as an educational resource to help those served by these programs learn about healthy foods and urban agriculture.

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  • How Birds Keep the Pajaro River Levees Safe

    Rodents can weaken critical river levees. Instead of poisoning them, leading to ripple effects up the food chain, levee managers on the Pajaro River in California are encouraging raptors to patrol the area.

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  • Could Greater Investment in Greening Help Reduce Gun Violence?

    The city lot where Sanctuary Farm now grows vegetables that it distributes free to the community once was strewn with trash and drug paraphernalia, hardly a hospitable place for the neighborhood kids who played in it. Now it's a lush garden and safe hangout for kids who help with the gardening, do art projects, or just play. It's similar to a broader Philadelphia program that "cleaned and greened" thousands of lots and made a measurable decline in violence. Sanctuary's impact on crime isn't known for sure, but some neighbors say the farm is a positive influence.

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  • Fresh and Local

    Slovak farmers meet increasingly sophisticated demand by growing tomatoes with a flavor that can’t be imported. Greenhouse-grown tomatoes serve as a good example of how modern-day Slovak farmers are using the latest technology to bring produce to the market with taste rivaling that of home-grown.

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  • How Abuja farmers use organic pesticides, disease control to reduce climate change effects

    In Nigeria, climate change has led to food scarcity causing some farmers in rural Abuja communities to adopt sustainable agricultural practices. Also known as smart agriculture it encompasses things like reducing pesticide use, using extracts from neem plants, and using warm castings as a fertilizer. Farmers say the practice has improved the soil, increasing water retention, and sequestered carbon.

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  • Training Mothers On Nutrition Is Saving Lives Of Children

    To address community malnutrition, 22 mothers began a savings and credit cooperative, which has since grown to 59 members. An elected committee looks for the most nutritionally vulnerable members, who are eligible for a small interest-free loan to improve the nutrition of their families. The women pay a membership fee and when loans are repaid, the cooperative gets a small percentage of the profits, which can be paid in installments until the whole amount is repaid. The group’s savings has also helped them buy animals that provide nutritious food products and organic fertilizers for their crops.

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  • Keeping Cattle on the Move and Carbon in the Soil

    Grasslands are important players in carbon sequestration. In the U.S. and Kenya some farmers are switching to regenerative grazing. For some this entails concentrating herds of cows and resting paddocks for long periods of time, and for others it means reseeding native grasses. This all forms part of a larger global network to restore grasslands.

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  • How single mothers in the remote areas of Kibuku district have been Financial empowered through Mushroom growing

    A church in Uganda teaches single mothers and widows to grow mushrooms to increase their household incomes. They keep the mushrooms to use at home, sell them outright, and use them to create other food products like biscuits and soup powder to sell.

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