Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Blue forests are under threat. A quiet revolution could save them

    Mangroves can store up six times more carbon than an area equal to the Amazon rainforest. However, they are rapidly declining, over the past century their population has been reduced by 30 to 50 percent. One nonprofit, Blue Ventures, is working with local communities to regenerate fisheries, which helps the mangroves. They're also helping local communities to manage their mangroves.

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  • How farmers in Abuja community use 'agroforestry models' to fight climate change

    In Abuja, a Nigerian community, farmers are practicing agroforestry practices and shifting away from monocropping. Agroforestry is more sustainable, leads to biodiversity, and helps mitigate the harmful effects of climate change. With agroforestry, farmers plant several crops among trees, versus one crop. While not all farmers have made the shift, the ones that have are seeing positive results.

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  • Morgan County High School Teacher Implements Sustainability into Agriculture Curriculum

    A high school agriculture teacher in Georgia implements sustainable agriculture into her classes through farm visits, lectures, and student application to reach all types of learners.

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  • How regenerative agriculture is building soil and community in Big Sandy, Montana

    Quinn Organic Research Center sits at the hub of innovations slowly transforming farming culture away from industrial agriculture toward organic and regenerative strategies. Countering the decades-old "get big or get out" thinking about farming in Montana, the Quinn operation conducts small-scale experiments to develop new markets based on tactics that decrease soil erosion, improve biodiversity, and capture carbon. These climate-change-ready operations have seen many setbacks. But they've also been embraced by more locals and helped Big Sandy enjoy a subtle but real rejuvenation.

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  • Jharkhand's solar pump scheme aims to improve lives of farmers by increasing irrigation potential

    In India, small farmers face limited access to irrigation. However, a state-run program, which gives them access to solar powered pumps, is alleviating their problems. Not only is it better for their crops, increasing their income, but it's also better for the environment. The solar-powered pumps provide a clean energy option, rather than relying on diesel-powered pumps.

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  • How Nigerian farmers are fighting climate change smart

    Some Nigerian farmers are combating the harmful effects of climate change by turning towards more sustainable farming like greenhouse farming, integrated agriculture, sack or bag farming, and hydroponic farming. Although those methods come with their unique set of challenges, they are seeing positive results.

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  • Upper Valley farmers use variety of strategies to limit contributions to climate change

    Agriculture accounts for 10 percent of greenhouse emissions in the U.S. according to the Environmental Protection Agency. This article details efforts by small farmers to reduce carbon emissions as part of a larger fight against climate change. Some of their methods include things like switching to solar power, not tilling the soil, using horses rather than tractors, and recharging the soil with organic matter. For some of them- it's yielding results.

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  • Planting a Life—and a Future—After Prison at Benevolence Farm

    Benevolence Farm hosts a small number of formerly incarcerated women as live-in laborers growing herbs that end up in body-care products. The farming experience teaches marketable skills, as the women learn the finer points of horticulture. It also provides outdoor, hands-on experiences that are therapeutic to women after they spent months or years locked up in a sterile prison. The rural location poses some challenges, but the dozens of women who have spent 12-18 months living and working there have shown much lower-than-average rates of recidivism.

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  • This Experiential Learning Farm Helps Youth Build a Better World

    Low-income communities of color have less access to nature, they experience "nature deprivation" at a rate three times higher than white people. Regular access to the outdoors improves respiratory health, physical fitness, cognitive functioning, and psychological well-being. The Freetown Farm was conceived as a place where all people can experience nature. Its exposing young people of all backgrounds to nature. Through its year-long internship program learned how to plant food, among other things.

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  • Is the Future of Big Dairy Regenerative?

    Several big food corporations like Danone and General Mills are working with local dairy producers to launch soil health programs that would help reduce their carbon footprint. For example, Danone is supporting 34 dairy farms to transition their operations to more regenerative practices. While it remains unclear if their efforts will reduce carbon emissions from dairy farms, early results show they are reducing soil erosion, improving water retention, and using less synthetic fertilizers.

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