Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The secret gardens of Rohingya refugees

    The Kutupalong camp in Bangladesh, the largest refugee camp in the world, is overcrowded and increasingly isolated. A program by the World Food Programme (WFP) and the Bangladeshi NGO BRAC offers refugees equipment, advice, fertilizer, and seeds to make their own garden. These gardens have become hugely popular, taking up what little space there is between tents, but also offer refugees a source of peace and a food source to supplement their meals. Compost for these gardens are prepared outside of the camp by Bangladeshi women, which helps improve the relationship between the two groups.

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  • In the Philippines, seaweed is giving former fishers a future

    By replacing fishing with seaweed cultivation, coastal communities in the Philippines are adapting to climate change and new market opportunities. In Bula, families are increasingly looking to seaweed as a source of income. International demand for seaweed has more than doubled in the last decade. Furthermore, the crop does very well in warm coastal waters, providing a steady, safe, and sustainable income for communities.

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  • Privilege for the poor: Farming giant gives back — to its workers' children

    Owners of the Wonderful Company food conglomerate honed their philanthropic efforts on the community they saw had the most need—their own workers' families—by establishing charter schools to improve the quality of life and education in Lost Hills, California. The K-8 school, one of two, has adopted a "cradle to career'' approach, incentivizing college education through in-school college pathways and renewable college scholarships after completing high school, and integrating parents into its mission through tailored educational sessions aimed at bridging cultural divides.

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  • Are you pouring hundreds of dollars a year down the drain?

    The use of rain gardens and rain tanks - which capture rainwater runoff, clean the water, and reuse the water for plants and gardens - helps to reduce water waste and toxic runoff. One Australian man built a rain garden to cut back on his waste (and his water bill) and estimates that he has cut down water consumption in his house by one third.

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  • Dogs are helping save Florida's citrus groves from a devastating disease

    Dogs can detect plant disease earlier than visual inspection and faster than lab testing. In Florida, dogs are helping farmers detect Huanglongbing (HLB), a bacterium with devastating consequences for the citrus fruit industry in the state. So far, HLB has decimated the citrus industry. With their sense of smell, the dogs offer an important tool for farmers who are struggling to stay ahead of infection.

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  • How to Exorcise the Ghosts of Crab Traps Past

    Low cost sonar helps teams of crabbers in the Great Bay Estuary locate abandoned traps, which they use hook lines to remove to protect wildlife and damage to fishing boats. Funded by three grants, teams have retrieved around 2,200 traps and crabbers are compensated for their efforts. The initiative is modeled after one in the Chesapeake Bay, where 34,408 ghost pots were removed over six years. Similar efforts have been implemented around the world, including the Ghost Trap Rodeo in Tampa Bay, which is styled like a fishing tournament but competitors collect abandoned traps instead of catching fish.

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  • On the frontline of the climate emergency, Bangladesh adapts

    Adapting to climate change requires innovation in farming techniques. In Bangladesh, farmers are switching from cultivating crops to fishing. They are employing adaptive practices such as raising fish in cages, shrimp farming, planting on floating beds, and creating dyke gardens. Some of the initiatives are supported by charities like Practical Action and organizations like the World Ban’s National Agriculture Technology Program.

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  • Saving Florida's Oranges Starts With Soil

    Healthy soil promotes plant growth and sequesters carbon from the atmosphere. To help the declining citrus industry in Florida, Locus Agricultural Solutions developed a combination of microbes to promote plant growth. The microbial additive, Rhizolizer, while originally intended to combat citrus greening, also provides benefits in terms of carbon absorption.

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  • Most of America's Farm Owners Are White. This Program Is Rooting for More Diversity

    Cultivating a more diverse generation of farmers requires training and mentorship. In New York, GrowNYC’s FARMroots program trains new farmers of diverse backgrounds. The FARMroots Beginning Farmer Program offers courses on everything from finances to driving tractors. The program also pairs the new farmers with an experienced mentor. Hailing from a range of backgrounds, the new farmers bring new crops, new ideas, and new skills to their communities.

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  • Drone on the range: Farmers take to the skies to save water and money

    In Arizona, the use of drones as farming technology is gaining traction. While still in the early stages, drones have shown to help with field mapping and data collection on things like crop conditions, water quality, and infestations. In an area that has been experiencing a 2-decade drought, these drones are able to help identify more precisely the water needed for soil.

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