Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Small ag feels growing pains: Lack of workers

    In southeastern Colorado, the Good Food Collective is piloting new initiatives to help small-scale farmers fill the labor shortages. With grant funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, they’re looking at what others across the country have done to address this issue, like developing a workers cooperative where workers can have some security in an unstable field. For now, they’re figuring out what works for their region, which includes “gleaning” – using grant funding to pay for individuals to harvest food for food pantries.

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  • These shipping container farms will soon be in grocery store lots across the U.S.

    A direct line from local producer to consumer reduces carbon emissions and strengthens community food systems. A partnership between farming tech company Square Roots and Gordon Food Services aims to create local food supply chains by placing cargo-container hydroponic farms directly at store sites and distribution centers. The plan is inspired by the success of Square Roots’ container farms in Brooklyn, NY.

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  • Oregon Wineries Come Together To Save Grapes Rejected For Smoke Taint

    Grape growers and winemakers in Oregon recently worked together after a fire burned thousands of acres of land. After contracts were turned down due to smoke taint of the grapes, the Oregon Solidarity project was formed. It sourced winemakers willing to accept these grapes (which were still considered safe), created three special wines, and is funneling all profits back to the growers.

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  • Save the Lemurs! Eat the Crickets!

    Crickets are the new cows - at least, that’s what researchers in Madagascar would have you believe. They are encouraging cricket consumption with a twofold goal: decrease malnutrition through the protein it provides while also cutting down the threat to the lemur, an endangered species that is hunted as a food source. An added environmental benefit of crickets is the minimal resources needed to grow them.

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  • The Startup Taking On Bayer With Cheaper, Non-GMO Seeds

    The Farmers Business Network (FBN) started as a way to create transparency about seed prices, and it has evolved into a platform to sell non-GMO seeds for lower prices. By cutting out the middleman, FBN can save farmers money and use data to show their seeds work, too.

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  • Farmers in Uttarakhand Look to the Past to Benefit the Future

    Mountains are particularly vulnerable to climate change, and a mountain city in India is finding sustainable solutions in traditional agriculture. Women overwhelmingly make up the farming workforce in Uttarakhand and are using a number of ways to combat the effects of the temperature increase. These solutions include bringing back an ancient grain, finger millet, to appeal to new tastes and dishes, storing seed banks of traditional varieties, and opening a cafe serving local food using the ancient grains to attract outside visitors.

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  • The Key to Nebraska's Water Conservation Success

    As the Ogallala Aquifer’s water level has declined in many states across the High Plains region of the U.S., Nebraska has almost fully maintained its water level by relying on National Resource Districts (NRDs). NRDs “develop integrated management plans for surface water and groundwater,” and its sustainable practices offer a model of how sustainable water management can thrive with local governance.

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  • Fighting climate gentrification with a radical community garden

    To cope with and combat gentrification, residents of Miami's Little Haiti neighborhood created a community garden called the Femme Fairy Garden, founded by Fempower. Community members come together every Sunday to tend to their plants and connect with their neighbors.

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  • Colorado farmers can't get their food to the table. One startup wants to lend hands.

    UpRoot, a new Colorado startup, is working to help farmers fill the labor gap and feed the hungry. Farmers across the state face a labor shortage, leaving huge amounts of produce to go to waste – and thus contribute to climate change. UpRoot tries to meet both these issues by operating on two levels: First, providing volunteer labor to harvest leftover crops and donate to food banks; and second, offering paid, on-demand workers – many of whom are veterans – for farmers that find themselves in a labor bind.

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  • Urban Organics Wants to Fix Food

    Urban Organics is a large-scale aquaponics endeavor growing out of an abandoned brewery building. They grow fish and fresh produce, almost all picked up onsite by locals, thus limiting the carbon footprint of the operation. The implications of the operation is perhaps its biggest feat: if they can prove that aquaponics at this scale is profitable, the entire agricultural industry might be transformed.

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