Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Catching food security in a dipnet

    In Alaska, transitioning from sport fishing to dipnetting, a practice that allows a much higher limit for the amount of fish that can be caught, has resulted in a sustainable food supply for some families. Although not without limitation, such as the distance and expense of getting to the coastal areas necessary, the results have caught the eyes of researchers in the subsistence division at the Alaska Department of Fish and Game.

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  • These Tree-Planting Drones Are About To Start An Entire Forest From The Sky

    Villages along the Irrawaddy River delta in Myanmar have spent years replanting mangroves in at attempt to restore their ecosystem and guard against the negative effects of climate change, but it is a labor intensive and time-consuming process. Now, with the help of specially-designed tree planting drones from startup BioCarbon Engineering, as many as 10,000 trees can be planted in a single day, using technology that not only distributes seeds in special pods, but is able to calculate optimal soil conditions, locations, and species of tree most likely to survive in any given area.

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  • New Hampshire goats act as poison ivy control

    In Londonderry, New Hampshire, the Carriage Shack Farm hire out goats to eat unwanted plants like poison ivy or bittersweet. Contrary to humans, they aren’t harmed by the plant and actually enjoy eating it. Prior to being hired, the farm trains the goats so that their appetites and stomachs aren’t adversely affected.

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  • Instead Of Water Fights, This Ga. Water Agency Shares Its Supply

    Water wars have become a norm throughout the United States as droughts become more prominent due to climate change. By releasing more water back into the environment than required to by law, however, Fayette County has become a model for how lack of greediness and push for collaboration benefits not only the environment but also people and industries.

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  • Foodstuffs: Giving Food Stamp Recipients a Place at Farmers Markets

    While farmers’ markets popularity has increased in the last decade, the higher prices mitigate equal access to such provisions -- and, by extension, the health benefits. As a result, non-profits and farmers' markets across New Hampshire are collaborating with a state program, Granite State Market Watch, to enable low-income food stamp recipients to use the markets. The state matches every dollar worth of stamps, providing needed purchasing power to enjoy the fresh bounty as well as an increased customer base and revenue stream for the local farmers.

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  • Amid persistent drought, a nation of herders plots a new course

    In the face of severe drought and one of the worst humanitarian crises since World War II, nations on the Horn of Africa are fighting to stave off famine and the spread of disease. Some places, like Somaliland, have been able to apply techniques learned in the severe famines of the 80s to increase their chances of survival. Many once-nomadic tribes are now settling into farming with some help of the government and a few non-profits, trading in livestock for more secure sources of fresh water, and learning new agricultural trades to keep their families - and hope - alive.

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  • Madagascar fights the subtler side of hunger: chronic malnutrition

    Starvation has become a public health crisis across Madagascar, Ethiopia, and Somaliland, but enhanced health education is helping to mitigate this critical issue. The focus of the community education programs is aimed towards increasing knowledge around the connection between nutrition and health and implements strategies such as how to properly desiccate fruits and vegetables.

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  • Madagascar skirted famine – barely. Now, it's boosting resilience before drought returns.

    Drought in Madagascar grows worse each year as its minimal public infrastructure and extensive poverty slow efforts by the UN and various NGOs for food and water distribution. But in recognizing the severity of the cyclical water shortages, organizations are piloting new approaches. These include solar pumps from portable groundwater sources; distribution and cultivation of drought- and rot-resistant seed strains for staple crops; cash-stipends for "productive goods," delivered by phone to bypass the problem of damaged roads -- which are building newfound resilience among residents.

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  • How Mongolia's nomads are adapting to climate change

    Mongolia’s nomadic, pastoral families are banding together to strengthen their resilience in the face of climate change. With their economic livelihoods dependent on livestock production, they feel the effects of warming temperatures more than many. By combining their resources and communally managing their pastures, they’ve been able to be less vulnerable to severe weather.

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  • A Cheap Fix for Climate Change? Pay People Not to Chop Down Trees

    In a randomized experiment in western Uganda, scientists demonstrated the effectiveness of paying rural farmers not to chop down trees since deforestation contributes to CO2 emissions worldwide. They studied for two years the declines in forest cover between a control group (no payment) and the participant group (paid). Building on a United Nations project in which wealthy nations pay poorer ones in an attempt to equalize the costs of responding to climate change, the outcome of the project proves the existence of a low-cost environmental policy solution to stemming rising global temperatures.

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