Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • From Our Prison to Your Dinner Table

    In prison, most inmates are alienated from social practices and can be a tax burden for the states. The Colorado Correctional Industries is a program that positions inmates in different forms of labor such as making stuffed toys, farming fish, picking fruit, tending livestock, and creating crafts to be sold at grocery stores. The program makes inmates into taxpayers instead of tax burdens and offers skills that are useful for future employment once they leave prison.

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  • Can grains of the past help us weather storms of the future?

    After a devastating cyclone changed the nature of local soil, NGOs preserved Indian rice crops by reintroducing traditional rice varieties that can be cultivated even in salt-ridden earth. Although some first met this idea with skepticism, many farmers have now adopted the practice after witnessing the success of the crops.

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  • Vertical Gardens Help Bangladesh Farmers Overcome Salty Soil

    Vertical container farming offers an innovative adaptation to climate change and soil salinity. In Bangladesh, the nonprofit, WorldFish Center, promotes the practice of vertical farming, providing education and resources to villagers. The practice includes collecting soil diluted after monsoon rains into inexpensive plastic containers. The nonprofit first trained 200 farmers and aims to expand its reach to 5,000 in the next two years.

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  • Farmers adapt to big rains but send trouble downstream

    Confronting more frequent heavy rains, the state's farmers have extended farmland drainage. Higher crop yields is one result. Another: More dirty water is flowing downstream.

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  • Vertical Gardens Beat Soil Made Salty by Climate Change

    Rising saltwater caused by climate change is shrinking Bangladesh’s arable land, especially concerning in places with dense populations. But a simple approach of planting crops in vertical containers shows surprising success.

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  • When Life Gives You Rainwater, Make Shrimp Ponds

    Farmers in Vietnam face rising sea levels but rejected the city's water engineering projects. They prefer gradual measures to cope with climate change so scientists have allowed the farmers to steer the conversation.

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  • Texas Drought Diminishes, but Enormous Water Loss

    Most of Texas has emerged from a drought that started in early 2011, but water supplies are still far below normal. Scientists are using new technology to monitor ground water levels and contemplate potential conservation methods and broad-scale solutions, while trying to convince policy makers of the reality of these climate-based changes.

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  • Essential Oils Might Be the New Antibiotics

    Essential oils contain some of the most potent anti-microbial compounds available. Only recently have scientists started pushing fr research to more deeply understand how they can be used to take the place of traditional antibiotics in medicine. The goal is to reduce antibiotics overuse and avoid creating antibiotic resistant "superbugs."

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  • Suburban sprawl doesn't have to be ecologically devastating

    In Fort Collins, Colorado, developments and shopping malls are eating away at farm fields, ranches, and forests. One development company is protecting biodiversity by putting houses clustered along a single access road leaving large areas untouched, a practice known as conservation development.

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  • To market: From snorting pig to global product

    The chute is where a river of Silky Pork begins flowing to Tokyo, swift and steady in a logistical marvel that delivers choice cuts of fresh pork across the globe. Negotiations on a new trade deal catch the attention of the Ivey brothers and other North Carolina hog farmers.

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