Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The Quinoa Quarrel

    The solution is quinoa, the problem is a bit more complicated. As the human population increases alongside environmental challenges like water scarcity and climate change, quinoa shines as the answer to what can withstand these looming problems. But who owns this crop and do they have to share? Native to the Altiplano region in South America, this plant must be adapted to live and thrive successfully elsewhere. Despite controversy over the rights to the seed, several researchers and farmers are working to ensure the seed lives on even if the dispute drags on.

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  • A first in Minnesota, cities launch system to treat, stash water underground

    Capturing water during times of plenty, storing it underground, and pulling it out later when it's needed—it's a strategy used in the western and southeastern parts of the country, and now, for the first time, in Minnesota.

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  • A Green Revolution, This Time for Africa

    The Green Revolution in Asia and Latin America never spread to Africa, due to the continent's varied climate, degraded soil and lack of infrastructure. Now, scientists look to develop a high grossing wheat seed to bring a new green revolution to Africa. The seeds are extremely promising, but there are still some challenges to getting farmers to implement the seeds.

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  • Home on the range

    A robust population of grizzly bears can be an indicator of healthy land; however, the bears also can destroy grain bins, consume vegetation, and kill livestock. Ranchers work with the Canadian government and local conservation groups to protect their resources with bear-proof grain bins and electric fences.

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  • In the Pastures of Colombia, Cows, Crops, and Timber Coexist

    Colombia’s National Development Plan for cattle ranching seeks to reduce pasture land from 94 million acres to 70 million acres while increasing cattle numbers from 23 million head to 40 million. The program focuses on planting trees on grazing land and the "cut and carry method," whereby farmers grow fields of shrubs and distribute the fresh cuttings to cows in pastures. The result is greater cattle productivity and a more eco-friendly farming system.

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  • Big rise in irrigation pumping draws DNR attention to Minnesota's 'Bonanza Valley'

    Minnesotans are being prodded to take a different look at how they use water and how to make sure an apparent abundance can be made to last.

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  • In Grizzly country, what do you do with a dead cow?

    When cattle die on ranches in Montana, they can attract grizzly bears that can come dangerously close landowners, ranches, and living livestock. Blackfoot Challenge, a coalition of ranchers and landowners who work with the government, collects and composts dead cattle into odorless woodchips. These woodchips are effective at repurposing carcasses into high-way side revegetation projects.

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  • Malawian Farmers Say Adapt To Climate Change Or Die

    In just the next couple of decades, the World Bank says, farmers across Africa could lose more than half their cropland to drought and heat - the issue is considered so pressing that, a few years ago, Malawi's Department of Meteorological Services added "Climate Change" to its name. A new aid group group now works with farmers in more than 60 villages — with plans to expand — helping them become more resilient to a changing climate.

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  • In Tanzania, Farmers Reap the Benefits of Radio

    In Tanzania, a country that has yet to fully embrace mobile phones and whose road infrastructure remains weak, farmers have embraced radio as a means of receiving pricing and planting information. The reach and relatively low expense of radio afford the medium its popularity.

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  • Rentals That Let You Fly the Coop

    Urbanites who want farm fresh eggs may not know what they're getting themselves into with a live chicken purchase—and wind up offloading their animals. A Pennsylvania couple began a sharing company called Rent the Chicken, which provides chickens, a coop, some feed, and coaching for urban farmers.

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