Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Carbon Pricing Helping Farmers Ease Methane Pollution

    The government wants more farmers turning waste methane into biogas to help combat the negative effects of global climate change. California is leading the initiative, largely through a cap-and-trade program.

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  • Owning Is the New Sharing

    Entrepreneurs have tried to avoid putting their projects in the hands of venture capitalists fearing loss of control of the project direction and vision. The sharing community combats that by allowing entrepreneurs to fund their projects with the help of small investors, but the customers to become owners. It's a digital age co-op.

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  • What Big-City Museums Could Learn From This “Company Town” for Art

    The Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art (MASS MoCA) uses an innovative business model to stay afloat, relying on both internal and external projects and revenue streams to make a change in the North Adams community. The museum displays contemporary art but also has invested in property around the city, renting to local businesses and encouraging visitors to take notice in their creative projects inside and outside the museum walls.

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  • Profits at the Bottom of the Pyramid

    Too often socially useful businesses end up failing because they get ahead of themselves and end up not being profitable. Companies now can select from an 'opportunity map' of ventures that serve the poorest individuals, and are more likely to be profitable and sustainable.

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  • When entrepreneurship is only way forward

    Development work is evolving beyond short-term mission trips and one-off donations into a more comprehensive, in-depth model that addresses long-term sustainability of a solution paired with empowerment of those being served. MicroConsignment is a unique branch of micro-enterprise being implemented by non-profit SolCom in Guatemala that provides individuals in rural villages the skills and resources needed to start sustainable businesses.

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  • New Mortgage Program Helps Cambodia's Poor Find Better Homes

    An innovative program by an unusual bank allows low-income people in Cambodia to take out a 15-year fixed mortgage with little or no documentation - contradicting traditional loan assumptions and creating means for some of the country's poorest people to completely change their lives. The bank and its investors are now making a profit, and more than 700 mortgages and building loans have been provided.

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  • Conservation Pays Off for Bangladeshi Factories

    Saving money while conserving water and electricity is a win-win for the textile industry in Bangladesh. After a joint effort to improve the mechanics and upgrade the factories, the industry saw a savings of 1.2 million cubic meters of water, 16 million cubic meters of gas and 10 million kilowatt hours of electricity.

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  • Crowdfunding Clean Energy

    In Oakland, a company created an online crowdfunding platform that allows users to earn interest by financing clean energy projects and gives people with good social intentions a direct line of action. Across the world, there is a growing movement toward people-powered clean energy.

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  • How Nonprofits Can Use Data to Solve the World's Problems

    Like their for-profit counterparts, charities are starting to embrace Big Data as a means to perform more efficiently and share that performance with potential donors. Data gathered is used both to measure successes and to highlight areas where program structure could be improved.

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  • The ‘Avon Ladies' of Africa

    A successful program in Uganda trains village women to sell medicines, fortified foods and other important goods using the Avon model, aiming to create a self-sustaining system for delivering essential health products.

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